A Bridge to the Future Using a Public (non-ownable) Demand Side Communication Infrastructure
We propose to introduce demand side technology to instrument the means by which to a level playing field for future innovation. A specific set of technology innovations exist to create (1) A publicly owned secure alternative to the Internet (2) An infrastructure supporting educational practice (3) Secure global commodity transparency Point of focus
A finite set of atomic structure and virtual ‘micromachines’ are mapped and executed in silicon Micromachines recombine on basis of their embedded semantics to enable sharing and reuse across domains Auto-recognition of patterns within patterns assist knowledge workers in building complex system assemblies in response to real time control needs An efficient virtual network moves context, content and service artifacts between all network nodes An automated method for easily declaring executable designs within any field of expertise Leverage human visual skills and practices for maximum efficiency and effectiveness Atomic Components Molecular Components Mass Production Distribution System Pattern Language Information Design Mendeleev Watson/Crick Ford Tesla Alexander Tufte Sub-stratum Languages Provides the mechanisms used by biology to generate natural language in the interface between humans and computing machines Klausner Historical foundations to a specific set of innovations
(1a) Distributed data organized using a key-less hash table a)Uses base 64 numbers to represent any ASCII text (in English alphabet) b)Creates an very small data foot-print index-less repository for text where each word has a unique location in the mathematical concept of the real number. Instant retrieval. c)Used to create an ontology referential base with inferential coherence (1b) Iconic self organizing interface language, innovations supporting a)Transaction Memory creates natural design time standards for grid processing b)Deep Packet Inspection creates security regime with 100% instrumentation c)Stratification creates natural language like recognition of novelty (2) Demand side educational practice a)Socratic and participatory b)Overcomes learned disability causes by a broken educational system c)Mapping K-12 focus elements to ontology of mathematics and science Demand side technology and its principles
Under Moore’s law, hardware performance, cost and reliability has improved over 1,000,000 times since Software has improved by a factor of less than 1,000. The gap between hardware and software continues to grow. Why? Software technology represents manipulation of mental models. These abstract models are individualistic in nature and hard to share. The gap also exists because computing theory necessarily fails to model social and psychological processes. The gap is by-passed when interaction between humans and computing machines is used to automate, sub-stratum based, language formation. Technical problem we have solved
Academic Institutions will take the Lead Interdisciplinary scholarship The public discussion space Community of Scholars are given infrastructure by which to create a Bridge to the Future Peer-reviewed scholarship will continue to define common knowledge, accessible to everyone Innovative expression may be copyrighted and digital property protected within a Common Education Infrastructure * * Supporting Public and Private Education
Standards self-organize using knowledge management mechanisms We the People Public and Private Institutions Service Orientation and Universal Education
Demand side depends on human choices Functional Objective 1 = Empowerment: A demand side measurement of the scholarship drives choice points, changes the marketplace to a healthy and resilient engine. Functional Objective 2 = Community Building: Choice point identification technology uses blueprints developed in mediation between local and global interests, thus balancing supply side and demand side forces.
Service Orientation and Universal Education Goal: ( ) Create long term solutions supporting education administration, financial management, curriculum offering, and services to the public. Consequences to Education: Schools, colleges and universities adopt higher outcome standards, focus on future needs, and undergo administrative reform using community generated service standards. Focus on Under-serviced Communities: Initial effort will target Native American, Hispanic Serving and Historically Black Colleges and Universities with a National Bridge Between High School and College Program.
The next communication infrastructure Process centric... serves Community of Scholars Compensates serves and Demand Expressed Supply Generated We the People Institutions Open Markets
The Community Centric Orientation for e-Gov 2009 Next Step: Real time generation of extensive information structure based on demand and supply