Michael Lampton Overview of Space Sciences Laboratory 16 July 2003
Michael Lampton Core Competencies Instrumentation Absolute calibration & radiometry EUV optics and techniques Automated ground/space communication Space physics: upper-atmosphere, solar, magnetospheric, heliospheric Outreach to public and educational community
Michael Lampton Facilities sq. ft. Office and Laboratory Space Employing 420 Scientists, Engineers, Staff On-Site Machine Shop Clean Room Facilities to Class 100 Thermal Vacuum Facilities up to 3m diameter Spacecraft Integration Facility 4-story High Bay Radiation Sources Laboratory Mission Operations Centers Science Operations Centers 11 Meter S-Band Satellite Antenna Secure High Speed Communications to NASA
Michael Lampton Department of Astronomy –Stellar evolution; ISM; clusters of galaxies Department of Physics –Magnetospheric; solar; CMB Department of Mech. Engineering –Active structures; attitude control LBNL –Advanced ground systems (e.g. Keck) –Detector & electronics development (e.g. HESSI) –Advanced space systems (e.g. SNAP) Lockheed –Solar and atmospheric science
Michael Lampton Background Initiated in 1958 by Drs. Teller and Seaborg Multidisciplinary organization Connecting campus research to space efforts Facility opened in 1966 New facilities added in 1998 Research Efforts Involving Balloons Sounding rockets Satellite instruments & science complements Complete satellites Space Shuttle Mission & Science Operations Ground Station Operations
Michael Lampton Operations Components Mission Operations Center Science Operations Center 11-meter S-Band Antenna with X-band capability High Speed Communications to NASA Ground Network Network Security Autonomous Operations Pass Supports Orbit Determination & Tracking Emergency Response System Self Checking
Michael Lampton Recent Flight Payload Elements RHESSI CHIPS ISUAL GALEX FAST Polar EFI Wind 3DP Cluster I EFW, CIS Cluster II EFW, CIS Image FUV, WIC Mars Global Surveyor ER Ulysses LAN Lunar Prospector ER FUSE SOHO UVCS & SUMER COS STEREO (development) THEMIS (MIDEX Phase B) SNAP (under study)
Michael Lampton EXTREME ULTRAVIOLET EXPLORER (EUVE) Outgrowth of stellar and ISM work at Berkeley since 1975 Project Management Science Package Telescopes Detectors Electronics Science Operations Mission Operations EXPLORER Launched on 7 June 1992 Successful; concluded 1Q2001
Michael Lampton FAST AURORAL SNAPSHOT EXPLORER (FAST) Outgrowth of auroral research since 1965 Project Management Science Package Electric Field Instruments Particle Instruments Electronics Mission Operations Science Operations SMEX Launched on 21 Aug 1996 Successful; continuing through 2005
Michael Lampton RAMATY HIGH ENERGY SOLAR SPECTROSCOPIC IMAGER(RHESSI) Outgrowth of solar physics work at Berkeley since 1964 Management Spacecraft Bus Science Package Imager Spectrometer Electronics Mission Operations Science Operations Ground Data Systems SMEX Launched February 5, 2002 Successful; planned ops through 2004
Michael Lampton CORONAL HOT INTERSTELLAR PLASMA SPECTROMETER (CHIPS) Outgrowth of ISM research at Berkeley since 1971 Science Definition Instrument Development Integration and Test Calibration Mission Operations Ground Data Systems UNEX selected Sept 1999 Launched Jan 2003 Successful; ops continuing
Michael Lampton TIME HISTORY OF EVENTS AND MACROSCAPE INTERACTIONS DURING SUBSTORMS (THEMIS) Science Definition Instrument Development Integration and Test Calibration Mission Operations Ground Data Systems MIDEX selected 2003 Expected Launch 2006
Michael Lampton SUPERNOVA ACCELERATION PROBE (SNAP) Project Management Systems Engineering Instrumentation Spacecraft Telescope Integration and Test Mission Operations Flight Data Systems R&D Phase Planned Launch 2011