Energy Balance Analysis Reference Paper: Beard et al. Energy Balance for Analysis of Complex Metabolic Networks. Biophysical Journal 83, (2002) Presented by Tony
The Basic Idea Mass conservation (FBA) is not enough. More thermodynamic constraints: Chemical potential balance (First law of thermodynamics) Positive entropy change for each reaction (Second law of thermodynamics)
Null Space Vectors of S Stoicheiometric matrix after combining redundant fluxes and removing the columns that correspond to boundary fluxes. Null space vectors of S. n is the nullity of S
Global Potential Energy Balance Chemical potential differences associated with the reaction fluxes.
Positive Entropy Production or
Application #1: 5-reaction model TABLE 1 Comparison of fluxes predicted by FBA and EBA for the example system illustrated in Fig. 2 Identifier FBAFBA/EBAFBAFBA/EBAFBAFBA/EBA Reaction Reaction Reaction Reaction Reaction Input of A Input of B Input of C Output of D111133
Application #2: E.coli Model Same optimal growth rate One particular optimal solution to FBA
Estimation of Reaction Potentials