Weather: It’s All Around Us! A unit developed by Scott Strickler through the INTEL Teach Program
Unit Plan In this Unit we will discover the daily causes of weather that surround us! We will examine severe weather, daily weather patterns and how weather affects all of us. Students will learn how outside weather can come into the classroom!
North Carolina Standard Course of Study Standards s/2004/20grade7
Essential Question How does weather affect all human life?
Unit Questions How does weather change? What are different types of weather? What technology is available to record and interpret weather?
Content Questions How does observing and measuring weather help you understand the way the weather works? How can air, water, wind and other factors create a myriad of different weather situations and what are the effects of these weather patterns? How do satellites, weather maps, along with other data allow meteorologists to interpret weather and weather patterns?
Assessment that will be completed: Before the unit begins A KWL chart pertaining to weather A visual ranking of what seasons coordinate to different types of weather A discussion on what students favorite seasons are A writing assignment for how weather affects our everyday lives.
Assessment that will be completed: During the unit Visual aid (Venn Diagram, T chart, etc.) for how different weather can alter the land and even people’s daily routines. Assignment Rubric for the large project entitled Meteorology and Me Blogging about the weather on a daily or every other day basis
Assessment that will be completed: After the unit is complete Tradition test (generated primarily by students) Presentation of Meteorology and Me project Discussion about blogging the weather
Other instructional tools that will be used Pre-test on general weather information Classroom discussions Science text Teacher generated worksheets and learning opportunities In class demonstrations Guest speakers Other informal assessments
The Weather Everyday Students will use digital cameras to capture two to three pictures everyday during the course of the unit. These pictures will be assembled into a Photostory project where students can tag and label each picture describing how the weather in Rosman changes from day to day. We will also compare how weather patterns change from different times of the day (using examples from other class periods)
Meteorology and Me Every student will choose a large metropolitan area from the United States. They will then be asked to find weather information about that city using the resources of a local news agency. From this and other information they will be asked to create a mock meteorological report just like a weatherperson would. This will be presented to the class using PowerPoint and an LCD Projector.
Students with Special Needs Students with special needs will be assisted with templates and notes pages. Students will also be allowed to complete modified assignments via instructions on their IEP. In addition Special Education teachers will be available for individual help.
ESL students Students in whose first language is not English will be assisted with translation sites on the internet to use with their PowerPoint. In addition all work materials will be available in both English and their first language. Help will be drawn from Internet translators and Spanish educators at Rosman Middle and High School.
ESL students (continued) Fortunately pictures speak all languages and our Meteorology and Me Project can be completed n their native language and through a separate country if necessary.
Gifted/Talented Students Students who achieve above average will be asked to facilitate the blog, host and create the weather wiki.
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