Linking between JSTOR and other resources Spencer W. Thomas Kevin Guthrie Beth Kirschner
Overview Mission and Update Challenges JSTOR’s linking facilities User reaction to JSTOR – some implications for linking?
JSTOR’s Not-for-Profit Mission Help the scholarly community take advantage of advances in information technologies Develop a trusted archive of core scholarly journal literature, emphasizing conversion of entire journal backfiles and preservation of future e- versions Enhance the accessibility of older journal literature In pursuing its mission, JSTOR takes a system-wide perspective, seeking benefits for libraries, publishers and scholars & students
How are We Doing? Five Archive Collections, 9 million pages total Nearly 1,300 institutions signed up from 60 countries 2001 usage: million articles printed million searches million total accesses Are we adding new collections fast enough?
JSTOR Accesses 1997 – 2001
Archive Coverage Scope of JSTOR’s archive –218 titles in 24 disciplines (22 Math+Stats) –698,406 full length articles (116,723 M+S) –9,183,416 pages (1,305,979 M+S) –16+ linking partners (current or in discussion) –Hundreds of years –Not “born digital”
Challenges… Solutions must work across broad topical range Solutions must work for historical material Solutions should work for individual researcher or large A&I database
Linking into JSTOR Serial Item Contribution Identifier: SICI Tools to build and check SICIs SICI resolution to article, issue, or list
JSTOR Linking Server
JSTOR and Linking How and Why The Independence of Peano's Fourth Axiom from Martin-Lof's Type Theory Without Universes Jan M. Smith Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 53, No. 3. (Sep., 1988), pp
JSTOR and Linking How and Why /fcgi-bin/jstor/viewitem.fcg/ /di985236/98p00714/0 ID: DI P00714 The Independence of Peano's Fourth Axiom from Martin-Lof's Type Theory Without Universes Jan M. Smith Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 53, No. 3. (Sep., 1988), pp
JSTOR and Linking How and Why /fcgi-bin/jstor/viewitem.fcg/ /di985236/98p00714/0 ID: DI P00714 /sici?sici= % %2953%3A3%3C840%3ATIOPFA%3E2.0.CO%3B2-B ID: (198809)53:3 2.0.CO;2-B The Independence of Peano's Fourth Axiom from Martin-Lof's Type Theory Without Universes Jan M. Smith Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 53, No. 3. (Sep., 1988), pp
SICI Matching ISSN (must match!) Other elements by priority order –Date –Numeration (vol/issue, e.g.) –Page number –Title code Multiple matches are possible
Individual Citation Tool
SICI generation for linking Linking partner generates SICIs. CheckSici tool: generate a SICI from citation info, or check a single SICI. BulkSici tool: validate a list of SICIs, return results by .
Linking Partner: MathSciNet
Linking Partner: CDL
Linking Partner: Ecol. Soc. Am.
Linking Partners Linking Partners: A&I services: ABC-CLIO, PCI, OCLC First Search, EBSCOHost, MathSciNet, … Ex Libris (SFX) Libraries/consortia: Calif DL, Decomate, OhioLink, many others Publishers: Ecological Society of America, University of Chicago Press, Blackwell, …
Linking from JSTOR Links to “current content” online Fill the gap between JSTOR archive and publisher’s electronic holdings Complement existing links from publisher online to JSTOR Planned release mid-2002
Math Reviews – JSTOR Use YearSuccessful links Total math views/prints % of Views ,000 (est)187,954 / 108,631 28% ,655206,322 / 194,505 38% 2002 to 14 March 17,67756,342 / 47,439 31%
Usage by Discipline Year Total Accesses % of Accesses % of Pages Mathematics1,007,5942.7%14.2% Economics6,326, %11.7% History5,452, %12.3%
Relationship Between JSTOR Use and Citations by Discipline
Interpretation Overall citations do not predict JSTOR use well at all. In other words, highly cited articles are not more likely to be highly used. It also means usage is not dominated by users trying to build a citation list, or by people coming to articles because they saw them cited in another article There are variations by discipline. Citations and articles printed from JSTOR are more related in Economics and History than in Mathematics
Relationship Between JSTOR Use and Age of the Article, by Discipline
Interpretations Overall, age of the article does not predict JSTOR use More recent articles are not more likely to be highly used than older articles There are variations by discipline. History journals show the highest correlation between the age of the article and use. People using history journals seem to be using more recent articles.
Linking between JSTOR and other resources Spencer W. Thomas Kevin Guthrie Beth Kirschner