Transverse force on a magnetic vortex Lara Thompson PhD student of P.C.E. Stamp University of British Columbia July 31, 2006
Vortices in many systems Classical fluids Magnus force, inter-vortex force Superfluids, superconductors Inter-vortex force Magnus force, inertial mass, damping forces Spin systems Magnus → gyrotropic force Inter-vortex force Inertial mass, damping forces ? Topic of this talk!
Equations of motion controversy Superfluid/superconductor vortices: vortex effective mass Estimates range from ~ r v 2 to order of E v /v 0 2 effective Magnus force = bare Magnus force + Iordanskii force? magnitude of Iordanskii force? existence of Iordanskii force?!? …denied by Thouless et. al. (Berry’s phase argument); affirmed by Sonin Ao & Thouless, PRL 70, 2158 (1993); Thouless, Ao & Niu, PRL 76, 3758 (1996) Sonin, PRB 55, 485 (1997) and many many more…
Vortices in a spin system Similarities same forces present: “Magnus” force, inter- vortex force, inertial force, damping… Differences 2 topological indices: vorticity q + polarization p Magnus → gyrotropic force p, can vanish! no “superfluid flow”
Spin System: magnons & vortices use spherical coordinates (S, , ) with conjugate variables and S cos System Hamiltonian MAGNON SPECTRUMVORTEX PROFILE Berry’s phase:
Particle description of a vortex vortex → charged particle in a magnetic field vorticity q ~ charge polarization p ~ perpendicular magnetic field inter-vortex force → 2D Coulomb force: fixes particle charge = gyrotropic force → Lorentz force: fixes magnetic field, Promote vortex center X to dynamical variable → effective equations of motion → (in SI units) B → FMFM → FMFM → FCFC → BC’s…
Vortex-magnon interactions Add fluctuations about vortex configuration Introduce fourier decomposition of magnons: Integrate out spatial dependence: Magnus force, inter- vortex force, perturbed magnon eom’s, vortex-magnon coupling first order velocity coupling ~ X k second (+ higher) order magnon couplings (no first order!) Gapped vs ungapped systems: velocity coupling is ineffective for gapped systems (conservation of energy) → higher order couplings must be considered – aren’t here Stamp, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2802 (1991); Dubé & Stamp, J. Low Temp. Phys. 110, 779 (1998).
Quantum Brownian motion Feynman & Vernon, Ann. Phys. 24, 118 (1963); Caldeira & Leggett, Physica A 121, 587 (1983) quantum Ohmic dissipation classical Ohmic dissipation damping coefffluctuating force Specify quantum system by the density matrix (x,y) as a path integral. Average over the fluctuating force (assuming a Gaussian distribution):
Consider terms in the effective action coupling forward and backward paths in the path integral expression for (x,y): Then, defining new variables: Introduces damping forces, opposing X and along .. → normal damping for classical motion along X → spread in particle “width”, x 0 ~ X Such damping/fluctuating force correlator result from coupling particle x with an Ohmic bath of SHO’s with linear coupling:
Brownian motion of a vortex vortex and magnons arise from the same spin system → no first order X coupling can have a first order V coupling Rajaraman, Solitons and Instantons: An intro to solitons and instantons in QFT (1982); Castro Neto & Caldeira, Phys. Rev. B56, 4037 (1993) Path integration of magnons result in modified quantum Brownian motion: instead of a frequency shift (~ x 2 ), introduce inertial energy → defines vortex mass! ½ M v X 2 must integrate by parts to get XY – YX damping terms: changes the spectral function (frequency weighting of damping/force correlator not Ohmic → history dependent damping!...
Vortex influence functional Extended profile of vortices makes motion non-diagonal in vortex positions, eg. vortex mass tensor: History dependant damping tensors: In the limit of a very slowly moving vortex, mismatch between cos and Bessel arguments: loses history dependence
Many-vortex equations of motion Extremize the action in terms of Setting i = 0 (a valid solution), then x i (t) satisfies: xi(t)xi(t) xi(s)xi(s) || damping force refl damping force || refl xj(s)xj(s)
Special case: circular motion Independent of precise details, for vortex velocity coupling via the Berry’s phase: F damping (t) = ds ║ (s) + refl (s) X(t) X(s 1 ) X(s 2 )... refl (s 1 ) refl (s 2 ) F damping Damping forces conspire to lie exactly opposing current motion No transverse damping force!
Results/conclusions/yet to come… damping forces are temperature independent: hard to extract from observed vortex motion What about higher order couplings? May introduce temperature dependence May have more dominant contributions! vortex lattice “phonon” modes… Changes for systems in which Berry’s phase ~ (d /dt) 2 ?