The present indicative tense in French is used to express both the simple present tense and the present continuous tense in English.
Example: Il travaille.-He works; or He is working. Il pleut.- It rains; or It is raining.
The present indicative tense in French is used to express the English perfect tense in sentences with depuis(since, for).
Example: Nous attendons depuis cinq minutes.- We have been waiting for five minutes.(the idea is that you still are waiting)
This is a very important feature in French. Present+depuis refers to any situation which has been going on and still is going on.
E.g. Japprends le français depuis cinq ans.- I have been learning French for five years.
Le bébé dort depuis le matin.-The baby has been sleeping since morning.
In everyday usage or spoken French, the present indicative tense is used to express some future event, usually after an expression of time.
Example: Il arrive ce soir.- He is arriving this evening.- He will be arriving this evening.- He will arrive this evening.
Je termine mes études lannée prochaine.- I will finish my studies next year.- I will be finishing my studies next year.- I am finishing my studies next year.
Elle vient à la réunion demain.- She is coming to the meeting tomorrow.- She will come to the meeting tomorrow.- She will be coming to the meeting tomorrow.