Welcome to KTH KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology Excellence in Education, Research and Entrepreneurship
KTH in Stockholm KTH was founded in 1827 and has remained the largest of Sweden’s universities of technology. Since 1917, activities have been housed in central Stockholm in beautiful buildings which today have historical monument status. Associated colleges are found at various places in the Stockholm surroundings – Haninge, Södertälje, and Kista. KTH co-operates with Stockholm University in Kista, the main Swedish resource centre of information technology, and with the new AlbaNova centre, with its departments of physics and biotechnology.
Organization BOARDS OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES School of Architecture (A) School of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Engineering Physics (DEF) School of Industrial Economics, Surveying, and Civil Engineering (ILV) School of KTH Kista, Information Technology, the IT University (ITU) School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering & Technology, and Biotechnology (KKB) School of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Technology (MMT) School of KTH Syd KTH is organized in these Educational Schools. For each School there is a Programme Committee.
Departments KTH Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering KTH Alfvén Laboratory KTH Applied Information Technology KTH Biotechnology KTH Chemical Engineering and Technology KTH Chemistry KTH Civil and Architectural Engineering KTH Computer and Systems Sciences KTH Electrical Engineering KTH Energy Technology KTH Fibre and Polymer Technology KTH Industrial Economics and Management KTH Infrastructure KTH Land and Water Resources Engineering KTH Library KTH Machine Design KTH Materials Science and Engineering KTH Mathematics KTH Mechanics KTH Microelectronics and Information Technology KTH Numerical Analysis and Computer Science KTH Physics KTH Production Engineering KTH School of Architecture KTH Signals, Sensors and Systems KTH Solid Mechanics KTH Speech, Music and Hearing KTH Syd
KTH’s History 1697 Christopher Polhem’s Laboratorium Mechanicum 1827 Lectures start at the Institute 1869 Study programmes in mining and civil engineering 1876 The name Kungliga Tekniska högskolan is established 1877 The KTH charter 1917 KTH moves into new buildings at Valhallavägen 1921 First regular female student admitted at KTH 1927 KTH is awarded the right to confer doctoral degrees 1956 Sweden’s first female Doctor of Technology graduates at KTH 1970 Hannes Alfvén, professor at KTH, is awarded the Nobel prize in Physics 1986 The College of Engineering is established at KTH 1993 Reorganization of KTH — more than 80 departments merge into 40 larger ones 1999 A new organization with Study Programme Areas, each with its own Programme Officer 2001 AlbaNova, Stockholm’s Centre of Physics, Astronomy and Biotechnology, is inaugurated at Roslagstull 2002 The IT University at Kista is inaugurated, a joint effort with Stockholm University
Undergraduate Programmes 2002 ALL PROGRAMMES 3,342 new admissions; 25% women and 75% men About 17,000 program students attending in all 270 ECTS CREDIT PROGRAMMES (4.5 YEARS) Architects 14 M.Sc. Programmes 1,246 graduations; 31% women and 69% men 180 ECTS PROGRAMMES (3 YEARS) 10 B.Sc. Programmes 554 graduations; 27% women and 73% men INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMES 12 International Master ’ s Programmes taught in English INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGES 579 KTH students were studying abroad 942 foreign students were studying at KTH
Postgraduate Studies 2002 POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS 1,490 active postgraduate students with a minimum of 50% activity; 27% women and 73% men GRADUATIONS 156 licentiate degrees awarded; 24% to women and 76% to men 175 doctoral degrees awarded; 22% to women and 78% to men
Research 2002 NUMBERS OF PROFESSORS 210 professors 33 part-time industrial professors 251 associate professors 54 assistant professors INTERNATIONALLY PUBLISHED MATERIALS 1,292 conference contributions (papers, etc.) JOINT RESEARCH EFFORT WITH EU KTH participation in 190 of the EU Fifth Framework programmes; also coordinators of 40 of these GROWTH AREA IN FOCUS Biotechnology Material Science and Engineering Information Technology
How Research is Financed 2002 (2001)
Costs 2002 (2001)
Sources of Income 2002 (2001)
Fields of Activity 2002 (2001)
Staff 2002
Educational Structure at KTH
Academic Year (40 weeks)