Transforming Discipleship Ministry God working in His children to transform others
Transforming Discipleship Ministry God working in His children to transform others
” Why does the church exist ?
” To fulfill the Great Commission!
What is the primary task of the Great Commission? “Making disciples” is the priority for believers Disciples are made in a natural way, as a way of life “As you are going through the world, be making disciples.” Better translation:“As you are going through the world, be making disciples.” “Go” vs. “Make disciples” “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations,...” Matthew 28:19
THE GREAT COMMISSION: THE DRIVING FORCE OF THE CHURCH God’s invitation to join Him in His mission The motivating force for the growth of God’s Kingdom ULTIMATE OBJECTIVE: TO TRANSFORM PEOPLE
Are you a forgetful Christian? “The plan of Jesus has not been rejected; we have just done without it. It has been converted into something worthy of remembering, that belongs to the past, but it has not been taken seriously as a norm of conduct for the present.” Robert Coleman
To this date, what has been your participation in it? çWho are those who decided to love and follow Jesus by seeing Him in your life? çWhat changes has God made in the lives of others through your personal ministry? çHow many serve in the ministry today because they saw you serve?
How Serious Are Believers About Spiritual Growth? George Barna: Growing True Disciples
Does anything strike you about the previous chart? Essentially one thing: A lack of passion to be like Christ!
It is a continuous, progressive and effective movement of prayer, evangelism, and discipleship, that is carried out in and through the local church, with the purpose of impacting the person, the family, the neighboring community, the city, the nation and the whole world with the person of Jesus Christ and His gospel, for the glory of God and the extension of His kingdom. WHAT IS THE DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY?
WHAT ARE THE BASIC FORMS OF DISCIPLESHIP? S PONTANEOUS To take advantage of an opportunity to share knowledge in a collective form A CADEMIC To share knowledge and information in certain disciplines or spheres of the Christian ministry
P ROGRESSIVE An intentional and premeditated process to transmit the teachings of the life of Christ to another person through a personal experience S UPPORTIVE Designed to meet specific needs of the disciple WHAT ARE THE BASIC FORMS OF DISCIPLESHIP?
WHAT IS CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP? Process Relationship Commitment Submission
WHAT IS THE DISCIPLESHIP PROCESS? Be more like Jesus Live the biblical disciplines Become reproductive disciples It is a process in which the discipler invests himself intentionally in other believers… so that they will …
WHAT IS THE LIFE OF DISCIPLESHIP LIKE? Prays for the lost Evangelizes the lost Disciples believers Sends out the disciples
STEPS TO IMPLEMENT THE DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY 1.Pray 2.Choose a group of believers 3.Challenge them 4.Start discipling them 5.Assign them the tasks of discipling others 6.Commission them to begin their own discipleship groups 7.Maintain a permanent relationship with them 8.Supervise the way their ministries reach others
Intervals of 6-10 weeks from the beginning of one level to the next Development of the Ministry HOW TO START THE DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY? Survival Kit Pastor Personal Study Survival Kit Pastoral Group Survival Kit Group 1 Survival Kit Group 1-1 Survival Kit Group Survival Kit Group Survival Kit Group 1-2 Living Your Christian Values Pastor Personal Study Living Your Christian Values Pastoral Group MasterLife 1 Pastor Personal Study Living Your Christian Values Group 1 Living Your Christian Values Group 2 Survival Kit Group 2 Survival Kit Group 2-1 Survival Kit Group 2-1-1
WARNING! è èDiscipleship is costly è èDiscipleship requires time è èDiscipleship is a commitment Are you ready to get started ?
Transforming Discipleship Ministry God working in His children to transform others