EMMA/BASROC/CONFORM etc: FFAG developments at the Cockcroft Institute Cockcroft SAC - 26 November 2007 Roger Barlow
Cockcroft SAC 26 November 2007 Roger Barlow: FFAG developmentsSlide 2 BASROC British Accelerator Science Radiation Oncology Consortium An association of universities and institutes (Cockcroft and Adams!). Group came together out of PPARC meeting aimed at raising accelerator activity outside particle physics Aim to build a complete hadron therapy facility using an NS-FFAG. Hope to increase use of accelerators, their manufacture, R and D etc in the UK General umbrella for CONFORM and other projects, e.g. Medical Instrumentation Meeting
Cockcroft SAC 26 November 2007 Roger Barlow: FFAG developmentsSlide 3 CONFORM Construction Of a Nonscaling FFAG for Oncology, Research and Medicine Project (first of many?) produced by BASROC Successful bid last year to Basic Technology fund for £ 8M Outline proposal put together – selected for consideration Full proposal written across many institutes and submitted through Manchester. Interviewed by panel. Funded in full – announcement 12 months ago Started 1 st April 2007
Cockcroft SAC 26 November 2007 Roger Barlow: FFAG developmentsSlide 4 3 Components EMMA: Construction of the first NS FFAG to prove the principle, and study behaviour. £5.3m over 3.5 year project lifecycle (Equipment £3.8m, Staff £1.5m) PAMELA: Design of a hadron therapy machine funding - £865k Applications: exploitation of other areas where an FFAG could be used funding - £273k
Cockcroft SAC 26 November 2007 Roger Barlow: FFAG developmentsSlide 5 People Roger Barlow (CONFORM PI), Neil Bliss (CONFORM PM and EMMA PM) Ken Peach(PAMELA PM), Ian Gardner (PAMELA PI), Rob Edgecock (EMMA PI), Karen Kirkby (Applications PI), Bob Cywinski (Applications PM) Gillies McKenna, Jűrgen Pozimski, Boris Voynovic, Alex Elliott, Bleddyn Jones Stefan Tzenov, Bruno Muratori, Hywel Owen, Sue Smith, Peter Macintosh, Neil Marks, Ben Shepherd, … and many others Pat Gorham, Cristian Bungau, Sam Tygier
Cockcroft SAC 26 November 2007 Roger Barlow: FFAG developmentsSlide 6 EMMA Energy range10 – 20 MeV in 16 turns LatticeF/D Doublet Circumference16. 5 m No of cells42 Normalised transverse acceptance3 mm Frequency (nominal)1.3 GHz No of RF cavities19 Average beam current13 μA Repetition rate1, 5, 20 Hz Bunch charge16-32 pC single bunch Electron Machine with Many Applications
Cockcroft SAC 26 November 2007 Roger Barlow: FFAG developmentsSlide 7 EMMA
Cockcroft SAC 26 November 2007 Roger Barlow: FFAG developmentsSlide 8 EMMA Magnets Magnet prototypes produced by TESLA Being measured and understood Production magnet tender open Delivery Summer 08
Cockcroft SAC 26 November 2007 Roger Barlow: FFAG developmentsSlide 9 EMMA RF Normal conducting single cell re-entrant cavity design Cavity machined form 3 pieces and EB welded at 2 locations Capacitive post tuner Probe Coolant channels Input coupling loop EVAC Flange Aperture Ø 40 mm 110 mm Prototypes ordered – Delivery January OJEC notice December Place contract March Delivery June- August 2008
Cockcroft SAC 26 November 2007 Roger Barlow: FFAG developmentsSlide 10 Injection Region Kicker Septum Cavity Injection Screen Not easy! But possible.
Cockcroft SAC 26 November 2007 Roger Barlow: FFAG developmentsSlide 11 EMMA Extraction DIAGNOSTIC BEAMLINE PHASE 2 Quadrupole x 3 New Dipole 21° & BPMs Screen or Wire Scanner Screen x 3 Tomography Section (emittance measurement) New Quadrupole x 9 Spectrometer (extracted momentum) Screen BPMs F/Cup Slit Screen Resistive Wall Current Monitor Diagnostics Not all affordable FP7 bid for full set
Cockcroft SAC 26 November 2007 Roger Barlow: FFAG developmentsSlide 12 EMMA summary Final Design Review Daresbury Dec Main components on site by 1 st Aug 08 Assembly on girders June 08-Jan 09 Assembly in hall Jan -May 09 Installation and testing Jun-Aug 09 Operation in September 09
Cockcroft SAC 26 November 2007 Roger Barlow: FFAG developmentsSlide 13 PAMELA Clinical Hadron Therapy machine, probably at Oxford Carbon is essential. Proton solution is commercially available. 3-ring solution (Keil and Trbojevic) or 1 ring (Koscielniak and Johnstone) Workshop next summer to settle final parameters
Cockcroft SAC 26 November 2007 Roger Barlow: FFAG developmentsSlide 14 Applications Cell Irradiation – Surrey post filled. Answer questions about dosage, Ion types, etc ADSRs – Manchester+Leeds. Additional grant obtained to look at energy possibilities. Neutrons: Leeds post now being advertised
Cockcroft SAC 26 November 2007 Roger Barlow: FFAG developmentsSlide 15 Future ADSR workshop here January 7/8 EMMA construction and commissioning 2008 on FFAG2008 workshop in Manchester, September Working nsFFAG at Daresbury in September 2009