Alternative Maryland School Assessment (Alt-MSA) Maryland State Board of Education August 26, 2008
Relationship between the General Curriculum and the MSA Program Content Achievement Regular Alternate Modified MSA/HSA Mod- MSA/HSA Alt-MSA In review, this chart details the relationship between the general curriculum and the Maryland State Assessment Program. MSA/HSA - Assessments based on the State’s academic achievement standards for the grade in which a student is enrolled. For students with disabilities, it is administered in accordance with the student’s IEP with or without accommodations. 2. Mod-MSA/HSA - Alternate assessments based on grade-level content standards and modified academic achievement standards in order to address the instructional and assessment needs of eligible students with disabilities for whom the regular State assessment, even with accommodations, may be too challenging and the alternate assessment with alternate achievement standards, which may not provide challenging opportunities for students with disabilities to demonstrate their knowledge of a specific content area. 3. Alt-MSA – Alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards for students who have significant cognitive disabilities. Students are assessed based on “Extended” standards, which may include substantially simplified content, including emerging and pre-requisite skills. 2
Alternate Assessments based on Alternate Standards NCLB 2001 allows states to define alternate academic achievement standards— Aligned with the State’s academic content standards; Yield results separately in reading/language arts, math, and science; Designed to use of the results to determine AYP; Should not focus on functional skills or IEP goals, IEP goals that reference the content standards may be assessed and are appropriate to be included; and Meet requirements for technical adequacy. National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) The development of the Alt-MSA is based on the guidance provided in legislation as highlighted here on this screen, it is recognized that each student participating in ALT-MSA has unique learning needs. 3
Maryland’s Alternate Assessment (Alt-MSA) Assesses students with significant cognitive disabilities. Reports student mastery of individually selected indicators and objectives from the reading, mathematics and science content standards. It is a portfolio assessment constructed of evidence that documents individual student mastery of the reading, mathematics and science objectives. The Alt-MSA is administered to students in grades 3-8 and grade 10 in reading and mathematics and science in grades 5, 8 and 10. ALT-MSA is not designed to be the sole responsibility or be conducted by an individual classroom teacher. Our students typically have multiple service providers and may follow a transdiciplinary model, including related service providers, special and general education teachers, and instructional assistants. All staff involved in instruction with the student are expected to participate in instruction and assessment. 4
Mastery Objectives selected by the IEP team based on student’s instructional level Combines instruction consistent with the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Provides framework for the instructional program for students with significant cognitive disabilities Timeline for Alt-MSA is a 6 month window of instruction and assessment: September 2, 2008 – March 18, 2009 The ALT-MSA test design places decision making about reading and mathematics instruction and assessment related to the Maryland Content Standards directly to the instructional team that teaches the student, instead of to the State. Selected Mastery Objectives form the framework for the student’s reading, math and science instructional program. 5 5
Alt-MSA Participation Guidelines Learning extended at emerging, readiness, or functional literacy levels Explicit and ongoing instruction in functional skills Substantial modification of general education curriculum Instruction that may require extensive supports Extensive support to perform and participate meaningfully and productively in daily activities Cannot participate in the ModMSA even with accommodations As mentioned earlier, the decision for which assessment is appropriate for an individual student is made by each student’s IEP Team. A student with a significant cognitive disability will participate in Alt-MSA if he or she meets each of the following criteria listed here. Extended Maryland content standards refers to developed extensions of our state academic content standards for each grade level. They are designed to allow students with significant cognitive disabilities to access the general education curriculum. The extensions are a clear link to the content standards for the grade in which the student is enrolled. The grade-level content may be reduced in complexity or modified to reflect emerging or pre-requisite skills to a particular content standard objective and/or indicator.
Characteristics of students who participate in Alt-MSA Limited Communication Very limited Academic Achievement Highly Specialized Instruction Extensive Supports: The students who participate in Alt-MSA range from students with severe and profound disabilities to some students with moderate and other disabilities. The students differ greatly in their ability to respond to tasks and provide responses. Many of the alternate assessment students use simple language structures to communicate and seldom acquire new skills through incidental learning. They require intensive instruction with extensive supports, ranging from the use of augmentative communication devices/Assistive Technologies when communicating, to small group instruction and an individualized prompting system to participate meaningfully in instruction. When general education peers are reading paragraphs and answering questions, the alternate assessment student might be identifying objects, pictures, or picture communication symbols, that allow the student to access the content and when typical peers are writing and solving equations, the alternate assessment student might be using objects, picture communication symbols, or pictures of objects to show their understanding of the content with a real world connection. 7
Access to Content through Assistive Technology DynaVox 3100 Communication Book using Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) Tech Talk Step-by-Step Communicator On this side you see examples of Alternative and Augmentative Communication devices (AAC) that are used by many of our students who participate in Alt-MSA in order for them to respond to tasks and access the general curriculum by adapting and modifying activities using one or more of these methods. 4 Talk 8
SAMPLE: Grade 6 Math Sample Master Objective (Math 9) – Given objects/pictures of objects in a patterned set. [STUDENT] will identify the number of items with 2 partial physical prompts. 1 time with 100% accuracy. Student direction: [STUDENT] will dot the correct number using a bingo dabber. How many sea animals are in each set? 2 7 3 8
SAMPLE: Reading Aligned with Science Master Objective (Reading #4) – Given vocabulary words from a grade-level content unit, [STUDENT] will identify the correct word to use in a sentence/phrase with 2 model prompts. 1 time with 100% accuracy. Observable and Measurable Student Response: Select the appropriate pre-glued symbol and place it in the space provided. Alignment to Grade-Level Curriculum: Grade 3 Chemistry – A. Structure of Matter 1. Identify ways to classify objects using supportive evidence from investigations of observable properties. a. Classify objects based on their observable properties. Accuracy Score: Prompts: ___ Independence: _2_ Gesture: _1_ Verbal: ___ Model: ___ Partial Physical: ___ Full Physical: ___ a Water is a Ice is a liquid a solid
Evidence (Artifacts) Acceptable Artifacts (Primary Evidence) Videotapes-1 reading and 1 math mandatory Audiotape Student work (original) Data collection charts (original) Unacceptable Artifacts photographs, checklists, narrative descriptions The samples you have seen in this presentation are work samples. Test examiners may submit any one of the following listed here as evidence. 11
What is standardized in the Alt-MSA? Number of mastery objectives assessed Format of mastery objectives Content standards/topics assessed All MOs must have baseline data and evidence of mastery at 80%-100% Types of artifacts permissible Components/Requirements of artifacts Training and Handbook provided Scoring training and procedures In review, the design of Alt-MSA, as outlined in the Alt-MSA Handbook, provides standardized guidelines. A list of what is standardized is provided here. 12
What is flexible in the Alt-MSA? Which mastery objective within content standard/topic to assess May write MOs vs. select from MO bank Use of prompts Type of artifact used work sample, audiotape, videotape, data collection In this slide you will see the flexibility in the design of the Alt-MSA for students to access and participate in the assessment based on their instructional level. 13
Alternative Maryland School Assessment (Alt-MSA) Standard Setting
Alt-MSA Alternative assessment for students with severe cognitive disabilities Assesses reading, mathematics and science Reading and math are administered at Grades 3-8 and 10 Science is administered in Grades 5, 8, and 10 Portfolio assessment- tasks specific to IEP Reading and math scores included in AYP: 1%
Numbers of Students Participating in the 2008 Alt-MSA Grade 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Science NA 642 789 825 Reading 468 536 590 643 Math 537
Alt-MSA Standard Setting Science New assessment (NCLB) First standard setting Reading and Mathematics Review, verify and realign
Standard-Setting Work Flow 8 content groups Week of July 28th Psychometric Council Review & Articulation Committee Week of August 18th State Superintendent State Board of Education August 26-27th Set Alt-MSA Standards
8 Standard-Setting Groups Teachers who work with the student population Alt-MSA Science (2 groups) Lower (Grades 5 and 8) High School (Grade 10) Alt-MSA Reading (3 groups) Elementary (Grades 3-5) Middle (Grades 6-8) High School ( Grade 10) Alt-MSA Mathematics (3 groups)
Alt-MSA Scoring Alt-MSA uses raw scores Portfolios receive a score between 1 and 10 Process is to determine which score range represents performance that is considered proficient and advanced
Reasoned Judgment Procedure To make their judgments participants consider: Exemplar portfolios (all possible score points) Performance level descriptors Design and scoring of the assessment Their experience working with these students O Portfolio Score of 1 Portfolio Score of 10
The Questions Participants are asked: What score should a student receive on their portfolio to be considered “just barely” proficient? What score should a student receive on their portfolio to be considered “just barely” advanced? Note: Assessment is not content based- it is individualized to IEP objectives
Review and Articulation Week of August 18, 2008 Superintendents Local Accountability Coordinators Local Directors of Special Education Teachers Central Office Personnel Advocates for students with special needs Parents Business Community members MSDE
Proposed Alt-MSA Cut Scores: All Grades Content Proficient Advanced Science 6 9 Reading Math
Science Impact Data Percent of Maryland Students Scoring Proficient and Advanced on 2008 Alt-MSA Science Portfolio Grade Proficient/ Advanced Proficient 5 69.5 54.2% 15.3% 8 70.9 54.4% 16.5% 10 67.8 53.0% 14.8%
Reading Impact Data Percent of Maryland Students Scoring Proficient and Advanced on 2008 Alt-MSA Reading Portfolio Grade Prof./Adv. Proficient Advanced 3 89.6% 16.5% 73.1% 4 87.8% 18.8% 69.0% 5 88.3% 18.2% 70.1% 6 21.2% 66.6% 7 87.1% 19.6% 67.5% 8 89.0% 22.2% 66.8% 10 84.7% 21.1% 63.6%
Math Impact Data Percent of Maryland Students Scoring Proficient and Advanced on 2008 Alt-MSA Math Portfolio Grade Prof./Adv. Proficient Advanced 3 86.9% 22.6 % 64.3 % 4 87.8% 20.9 % 66.9 % 5 86.9 % 20.2 % 66.7 % 6 88.3 % 22.4 % 65.9 % 7 86.3 % 19.3 % 67.0 % 8 88.0 % 22.2 % 65.8 % 10 86.4 % 25.3 % 61.1 %
2008 Alt-MSA Science, Reading & Math Results – Proposed Standards Grade Science Reading Math 3 NA 89.6% 86.9% 4 87.8% 5 69.5% 88.3% 6 7 87.1% 86.3% 8 70.9% 89.0% 88.0% 10 67.8% 84.7% 86.4%
Next Steps for Alt-MSA Science Assessment September 1 Implement cut scores, double check the data for accuracy at school and system level Late September Parent reports on Alt-MSA Science sent to school systems Data added to regular MSA science data and reported on website
Alternative Maryland School Assessment (Alt-MSA) Questions & Discussion