Improving Shot Composition Rule of thirds Rule of thirds Headroom Headroom Talking / walking space Talking / walking space.


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Presentation transcript:

Improving Shot Composition Rule of thirds Rule of thirds Headroom Headroom Talking / walking space Talking / walking space

Rule of Thirds Divide your screen into a “tic-tac-toe” grid … frame your important elements along these lines and especially where they intersect Divide your screen into a “tic-tac-toe” grid … frame your important elements along these lines and especially where they intersect This will create visually stimulating pictures that have more of a sense of “dynamism” or movement This will create visually stimulating pictures that have more of a sense of “dynamism” or movement Frames that rely too heavily on centering the images become boring and static! Frames that rely too heavily on centering the images become boring and static! Examples … Examples …

Eyes are the mirror of the soul! Always try to get the eyes on a third line

Photo on left is centered – boring and static! Photo on left is centered – boring and static! Photo on right follows the vertical third lines – more dynamic! Photo on right follows the vertical third lines – more dynamic!

Avoid over-centering! Use rule of thirds to divide the foreground from the background too.

Meredith from 6 th Hour!

Headroom For most shots (except extreme closeups) you should leave a “little” space between the top of the subject’s head and the edge of the frame. For most shots (except extreme closeups) you should leave a “little” space between the top of the subject’s head and the edge of the frame. Most amateurs end up leaving way too much space on top … Most amateurs end up leaving way too much space on top … David Richter (on far right) and tennis friends

Headroom Put the eyes at the thirds and headroom usually takes care of itself! David Richter – a long time ago … in a place far, far away

Talking/Walking Space Leave space in front of your subject when they are talking or moving … let the rule of thirds guide you when deciding how much space to leave! Leave space in front of your subject when they are talking or moving … let the rule of thirds guide you when deciding how much space to leave! By leaving empty space, we allow for the subject to move into the space – this creates a dynamic image By leaving empty space, we allow for the subject to move into the space – this creates a dynamic image Examples follow … Examples follow …

Al from 5 th hour!

Give the object somewhere to go!

CLASSIC – Action Shot!

Improving Shot Composition Remember all three of these lessons to create excellent looking shots in all of your videos! Remember all three of these lessons to create excellent looking shots in all of your videos! Rule of thirds Rule of thirds Headroom Headroom Talking / walking space Talking / walking space Great YouTube video on improving your shots (discusses headroom, talking space and more!) - Great YouTube video on improving your shots (discusses headroom, talking space and more!) -

References Photo examples from: Photo examples from: cphotography.ppt cphotography.ppt YouTube example: YouTube example: