Nez Perce Tribe ERWM Program, Air Quality Project
Nez Perce Reservation Location: North Idaho, along the Clearwater River Topography: river valleys and plateau/prairie Two major highways: U.S. 12 & U.S ,000 acres; 1,189 square miles Predominately agriculture and forested lands Covers sections of five different counties Tribal population: 9%; 1,600; Total Reservation population: 17,800 Tribe and/or members own 93,940 acres 12.3% [Lewiston/Clarkston population: 50,000]
2001 Emission Inventory Prepared by contractor 2002 ITEP, Joe Cain QA/QC check data 2006 –Common problems included assumptions for throughput, incorrect EFs –Fugitive dust from mobile sources - VMT Submit to 2002 NEI –Mobile source issue figured out
Agriculture emissions Cultivated land ~ 70% of reservation Wheat based, winter wheat predominates, peas, spring cereal, canola, mustards, bluegrass seed Burning, harvesting, tillage, storage Fertilization (25,000 tons N) Aerial and ground spraying - pesticides