1 Standing Committee of Department Chairs and Directors of Centers and Institutes University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Update on the Activities of the School of Medicine Committee on Prestigious Awards and Honors WILLIAM N. KELLEY, M.D. October 24, 2007
2 School of Medicine Awards Committee William N. Kelley, MD (Chair) – Medicine Clyde F. Barker, MD – Surgery William F. DeGrado, PhD – Biochemistry & Biophysics Steven D. Douglas, MD – Pediatrics Jonathan A. Epstein, MD – Cell & Developmental Biology Alfred P. Fishman, MD – Medicine Katherine A. High, MD – Pediatrics Mitchell A. Lazar, MD, PhD – Medicine Virginia M.Y. Lee, PhD – Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Brian L. Strom, MD, MPH – Biostatistics and Epidemiology Craig B. Thompson, MD – Abramson Cancer Center Victoria A. Mulhern – Faculty Affairs and Professional Development
3 School of Medicine Awards Committee Successes of the Awards Committee are dependent on: –Outstanding faculty in the School of Medicine –Willingness of SOM Leadership to orchestrate nominations for deserving faculty –An organization to help support the process
4 School of Medicine Awards Committee Society Membership/Award Nominations Managed by the Awards Committee Multidisciplinary Learned Societies
5 Society Membership Nominations Managed by the Awards Committee Learned Societies – Membership Nominations –American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI) –Association of American Physicians (AAP) –Institute of Medicine (IOM) –National Academy of Sciences (NAS) –American Academy of Arts & Sciences (AAAS) –American Philosophical Society (APS)
6 Society Membership Nominations Managed by the Awards Committee School of Medicine Membership Election Outcomes Current Total ASCI AAP IOM NAS AAAS APS = formalized process begun by Committee
7 School of Medicine Awards Committee Society Membership/Award Nominations Managed by the Awards Committee Multidisciplinary Learned Societies Prestigious Awards
8 Award/Honor Nominations Managed by the Awards Committee Nomination Process There are currently 62 national and international multi- disciplinary awards and honors identified by the Committee for potential nominations Goal is to submit superb nominees from Penn for each award Dossiers are prepared for a number of the most outstanding faculty and these will continue to grow as rapidly as possible –25 dossiers now available – 12 developed in FY2007 alone These dossiers are refined over time as progress permits and they are customized for each award
9 Award/Honor Nominations Managed by the Awards Committee FY2007 Outcomes 62 total awards identified for nominations –16 “ineligible” awards SOM faculty member received award in previous cycle (7) Current focus/theme of award outside purview of Awards Committee (1) Award not offered in reporting period (2) Special invitation to submit nominations not available (3) Awards forwarded to relevant department chairs for consideration and/or action (3) –46 “eligible” awards 43 awards received nominations (48 total nominations submitted) –69% of all awards managed by Committee –94% of all “eligible” awards 3 awards – suitable candidates not identified During FY2007, notification received that 7 nominations were successful –Already, in FY2008, three nominees have received awards
10 School of Medicine Awards Committee Successes of the Awards Committee are dependent on: –Outstanding faculty in the School of Medicine –Willingness of SOM Leadership to orchestrate nominations for deserving faculty please be proactive in preparing nominations for those faculty in your discipline please recommend faculty to the Awards Committee please pay special attention to awards with age restrictions –An organization to help support the process Visit the Awards Committee website (