Using Computers CS French Chapter 1
Name some typical tasks a computer is used for. Editing documents Calculations Drawing Storing data Controlling machines
What have these tasks got in common? Information simplicity repetition speed accuracy A computer is good at doing simple and repetitive tasks quickly and accurately. It deals primarily with information.
Some definitions and terms. Computer - information processor Personal computer (micro-computer) - dedicated to one person Peripherals - devices ‘external’ to a computer and connected to it. Hardware - all equipment, computer and peripherals Computer program - a set of instructions written in a form that the computer can understand. (eg Microsoft Word) Data - numbers and text. (eg. A drawing) Software - programs and data. Information - data processed into a useful form. Executing (running) a program - the instructions being carried out by the computer.
Characteristics of a Computer Think about what it is that makes a computer different from other machines. ability to perform high speed calculations. ability to take in and store information for future use. ability to take in and store a sequence of instructions. ability to obey a sequence of instructions. ability to use simple logical rules to make decisions for their own internal control.
Elements of a Computer System Peripheral Devices Keyboard Screen Mouse Printer Plotter Modem Floppy disk drive Hard disk Compact disk Magnetic tape Network ‘card’ Scanner Computer CPU Processor Input/ Output unit Memory (RAM) Control Unit ALU data bus Exercise: Classify the listed ‘peripherals’ as input, output, auxialliary storage or communication devices!
Information Storage and Retrieval Memory (Main Storage) often known as Random Access Memory (RAM) part of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) - inside computer usually volatile - loses its contents when power is turned off holds data and programs currently in use. very fast access to contents. electronic components (chips) relatively expensive limited capacity What do you think are the problems of memory?
Information Storage and Retrieval Auxilliary (backing) Storage peripheral (external ) to CPU non-volatile - does not require power to keep information. holds data not currently in use slower than memory usually mechanical - disks (hard, CDROM, floppy, zip)and tapes less expensive per unit of storage much larger capacity What are the dis-advantages of auxilliary storage?