BRGM Geoscience for a sustainable Earth Communications and Publications Division
> 2 Presenting BRGM
Communications and Publications Division > 3 Our raison d’être is to > understand geological phenomena > develop new methodologies and techniques > produce and disseminate pertinent, high-quality data in order to provide public authorities with …
Communications and Publications Division > 4 …the necessary tools for > surface, subsurface and natural- resource management > natural-risk and pollution prevention > regional planning and development
Communications and Publications Division > 5 An approach defined in the context of > sustainable development > globalisation > social demands: scientific ethics, safety, prevention and precaution > new information and communication technologies (NICT)
Communications and Publications Division > 6 A driving force based on > credibility, scientific excellence, impartiality > reactivity, adaptability > development of in-house skills > a network approach > a balanced budget
Communications and Publications Division > 7 Status > Public institution with industrial and commercial interests (EPIC) > Under the joint supervision of the ministries responsible for Research, for Industry and for Environment > Staff: 849 > 2003 turnover: €81.98 million
Communications and Publications Division > 8 Three missions > Technological research and development and innovation > Support for public policies and citizen information > International cooperation and development aid
Communications and Publications Division > 9 Breakdown of 2004 activities by missions Total: €81.49 million (before tax) €36.17m €30.31m€15.50m
Communications and Publications Division > 10 Breakdown of 2004 activities by Themes Total: €81.49 (before tax) Mapping and geoinformation: 15,28 Digital information systems: 6,29 Water: 12,17 Mineral resources: 8,21 Natural risks: 12,72 Contaminated land - waste management: 9,04 Energy : geothermy, storage of CO2: 5,95 Environmental metrology: 3,82 Divers: 8,50
Communications and Publications Division > 11 Scientific research is the basis of BRGM’s credibility > Geological knowledge: observation and modelling in order to understand surface and subsurface processes > Development in support of public policies > Transfer of technology and innovation to industry 2004 activities: €36.17 million (before tax)
Communications and Publications Division > 12 Support for public policies in France > Surface and subsurface observation, measurement, temporal and spatial continuity, knowledge capitalisation and dissemination > Methodological and/or technological applications > Expert assessments for government and third parties > Training and information (technicians, officials, general public) 2004 activities: €30.31 million (before tax)
Communications and Publications Division > 13 International activity in third countries > Support for government policies under both French (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry) and international (World Bank, UNEP, UNDP) bilateral financing > Activities to strengthen regional cooperation > Services for companies involved with the Environment, Mines and Energy, and in particular for BRGM subsidiaries > Participation in projects of international geological organizations (IUGS, ICPG, CGMW)
Communications and Publications Division > 14 Activities contributing to European development > Support for European Union policies in partnership with other Geological Surveys (EuroGeoSurveys) > Research: active participation in the 5th FRDP and preparation of the 6th FRDP > International: contribution to activities outside the EU (EU enlargement, regional development, etc.)
Communications and Publications Division > 15 BRGM, in 2004, was active in 38 countries International 2004 activities: €9.40 million (before tax) AMERICA : 11% ASIA: 11% MIDDLE EAST: 9% AFRICA: 50% MAGHREB: 11% EUROPE - CEI: 8%
Communications and Publications Division > 16 Areas of activity
Communications and Publications Division > 17 Thematic areas > Mineral resources > Water > Development planning and natural risks > Environment and pollution > Environmental metrology > Mapping and digital information systems
Communications and Publications Division > 18 Themes under development > Terre virtuelle (or the planet in 3D) > Energy (geothermal energy, underground storage) > New frontiers: geology-biology
Communications and Publications Division > 19 BRGM at Orléans > A French public institution with national and European partners > BRGM’s local partners in Orléans R&D: University, ESEM/IPO (Environment year), CNRS, IFEN, INRA, etc. Information and public-policy support (CCAO, CG45, CR) Economic development: subsidiaries, ARITT (Regional Association for Innovation and Technology Transfer), Incubation Centre, Orléans Technopole > International (international exposure of Orléans, decentralised cooperation, etc.)
Communications and Publications Division > 20 An integrated approach to complex problems in partnership with > universities > government research Institutes > industry > research councils > local and regional authorities… …in the context of specific agreements and technological innovation and research networks
Communications and Publications Division > 21 Research partners in France > Universities, Grandes Écoles, CNRS (e.g. INSU, SPI, SHS), IPGP > Public institutions with scientific and technological interests (EPST): CEMAGREF, INRIA, LCPC > Public institutions with industrial and commercial interests (EPIC): CEA, IFREMER, CSTB, IFP > ADEME, ANDRA, CNES
Communications and Publications Division > 22 Public Service partners in France > MEDD, MELT, MCC > INERIS, IFEN, IGN, SHOM > Water Agencies, AFSSE > Regional and General Councils, Communities of municipalities
Communications and Publications Division > 23 European partners > Geological Surveys: e.g. BGS, TNO, BGR > EuroGeoSurveys, Foregs > Euromines, EIONET, EDRA > Partners in the 5 th and 6 th FRDP > EU programmes: e.g. LIFE, FEDER, INSPIRE, MEDA
Communications and Publications Division > 24 International partners > Geological Surveys: e.g. USGS, JGS, ICOGS > World Bank, GEF, Regional Banks, EU, French Government, French Development Agency, FFEM (French Funds for Global Environment) > United Nations programmes such as those of the IUGS, CGMW, UNDP, UNEP > NATO, IEA, OGC programmes > CIFEG
Communications and Publications Division > 25 Local partners > Universities of Tours and Orléans > CNRS, INRA, IRD, IFEN > Équipe Loire, EPL, EPTB > SGAR, DRRT, DIREN, DRIRE > Orléans Technopole, ARITT (Regional Association for Innovation and Technology Transfer), Incubation Centre, Loiret Création, Studium > Regional and General Councils, CAO
Communications and Publications Division > 26 A strong potential in human resources... > 849 staff, including 600 scientists, engineers and technicians representing all the applied Earth Science disciplines and having at least a university degree: 50% an engineering school diploma: 20% training in regional planning and development > More than 75 specialities > A complete human-resources management structure that recognises the importance of further training (to a level of 6% of the total payroll)
Communications and Publications Division > 27 …supported by an extensive range of facilities > COFRAC certified analytical laboratories > An ore- and waste-processing pilot plant > A satellite-image processing centre > An ISO 9001:2000 > Digital information systems using the latest technologies: NICT, workbench, etc.
Communications and Publications Division > Regional Geological Surveys (including 4 in Overseas Departments and 3 in Overseas Territories) > A network to provide local support for public policies, help decentralised government departments, regional authorities, research councils, etc., and aid in regional development > A local presence to answer local needs > Long-term regional partners MAYOTTE NOUVELLE CALÉDONIE POLYNÉSIE FRANÇAISE
Communications and Publications Division > 29 Environment and Processes D. DARMENDRAIL Analysis and Mineral Characterisation A. M. FOUILLAC Regional Geological Surveys M. VILLEY M. VILLEY Development Planning and Natural Risks H. MODARESSI Mineral Resources J. TESTARD Water D. PENNEQUIN Geology and Geoinformation D. VASLET Operational Divisions Research C. FOUILLAC Public Service L. BEROUD International J.C. GUILLANEAU Production, Informatics and Quality F. LELANN Strategic Planning J. VARET General Secretary R. GUERILLON General Inspectorate P.L KIRCHER Human Resources M. BOUILLEAU Accounting J.P. RIBERT Communications and Publications G. LEHIDEUX-VERNIMMEN Information Systems and Technologies J.M. TROUILLARD Chairman Ph. VESSERON Managing Director D. Houssin
Communications and Publications Division > 30 Main operational subsidiaries and holdings BRGM Group Structure