Captioning Windows Media Files Windows Media Player Version 7 and Later
Captioning Windows Media Files Delivery Method Stand Alone Application/File Embedded in a Web Page Windows Media Player 10
Stand Alone Application 3 Required Components Video File Transcript or SAMI File Linker or Playlist File
Transcript or SAMI File SAMI – Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange Simply a text file Consists of a tagged structure similar to HTML or web page files Navigate again to and follow the directions for the Windows Media Caption Presentation file
Transcript or SAMI File Requires a tag to start and end the file. The tag controls when that particular caption should appear in milliseconds.
Linker or Playlist File This file tells Windows Media Player where the video file is and where the transcript or SAMI file is. Again it’s just a simple text file with tags Open the captionhq.wvx file from the Academy CD in the Accessible Windows Media folder.
Linker or Playlist File Must start and end with an tag In the tag list the video and SAMI file separated by a ? Mark.
Embedded in a Web Page 3 Required Components Video File Transcript or SAMI file HTML or the Web Page File
Embedded in a Web Page The video file is the same The transcript or SAMI file is basically the same with some added user controlled options Navigate again to and follow the directions for the Windows Media Caption Presentation file
Embedded in a Web Page We’ve added a source item to name the speaker We’ve added an option for small or big text on the fly We’ve added an alternative language
Embedded in a Web Page Open the embedded.html file from the Academy CD in the Accessible Windows Media folder. The main component are the values stored in the tag.
Embedded Captioning Exercise We are going to caption the Embedded.wmv video file using the embedded.rtf file as our transcript. We are going to use our previous caption and HTML files as models and use MS Word’s replace function to save us time. Here are the Milliseconds values 0, 14000, 35000, 46000, 61000, 77000, 96000, , , , , , , ,
Windows Media Player 10 New Lyrics Meta information built into the file Brand new and still needs to be creatively worked through