Magnetization of Galactic Disks and Beyond Collaborators: Dmitry Shapovalov (Johns Hopkins) Alex Lazarian (U. Wisconsin) Jungyeon Cho (Chungnam) Kracow - May 2010 Ethan Vishniac
What is this all about? Magnetic Fields are ubiquitous in the universe. Galaxies possess organize magnetic fields with an energy density comparable to their turbulent energy density. Cosmological seed fields are weak (using conventional physics). Large scale dynamos are slow. Observations indicate that magnetic fields at high redshift were just as strong.
Optical image in H (from Ferguson et al. 1998)with contours of polarized radio intensity and radio polarization vectors at 6cm wavelength (from Beck and Hoernes 1996).
When did galactic magnetic fields become strong? Faraday rotation of distant AGN can be correlated with intervening gas. Several studies along these lines, starting with Kronberg and Perry 1982 and continuing with efforts by Kronberg and collaborators and Wolfe and his. Most recent work finds that galactic disks must have been near current levels of magnetization when the universe was ~ 2 billion years old (redshifts well above 3).
What are the relevant physical issues? Where do primordial magnetic fields come from? What is the nature of mean-field dynamos in disks (strongly shearing, axisymmetric, flattened systems)? How do magnetic fields change their topology? (Reconnection!) What are effects which will increase the strength and scale of magnetic fields which are not mean-field dynamos?
How about the dynamo? Averaging the induction equation we have Using the galactic rotation we find that the azimuthal field increases due to the shearing of the radial field. In order to get a growth in the radial field we need to evaluate the contribution of the small scale (turbulent) velocity beating against the fluctuating part of the magnetic field.
The - dynamo We write the interesting part of this as We can think of this as describing the beating of the turbulent velocity against the fluctuating magnetic field produced by the beating of the turbulent velocity against the large scale field. In this case we expect that
More about the - dynamo The resulting growth rate is Given years this is about 30 e-foldings roughly a factor of The current large scale field is about G. Given an optimistically large seed field this implies that the large scale magnetic field has just reached its saturation value. Something is very wrong.
Reconnection? “Flux freezing” implies that the topology of a magnetic field is invariant => no large scale field generation.
Reconnection of weakly stochastic field : Tests of LV99 model by Kowal et al. 09
LV99 Model of Reconnection Regardless of current sheet geometry, reconnection in a turbulent medium occurs at roughly the local turbulent velocity. However, Ohmic dissipation is small, compared to the total magnetic energy liberated, and volume-weighted invariants are preserved.
Additional Objections “ quenching” - This isn’t the right way to derive the electromotive force. A more robust derivation takes This looks obscure, but represents a competition between kinetic and current helicity. The latter is closely related to a conserved quantity
Quenching The transfer of magnetic helicity between scales, that is from to occurs at a rate of. It is an integral part of the dynamo process. Consequently, as the dynamo process goes forward it creates a resistance which turns off the dynamo. In a weakly rotating system like the galactic disk this turns off the dynamo when
Non-helical Dynamos The solution is that turbulence in a rotating system drives a flux of. This has the form in the vertical direction. Conservation of magnetic helicity then implies And a growth rate of
Turbulence Energy flows through a turbulent cascade, from large scales to small and in stationary turbulence we have a constant flow At the equipartion scale So the rate at which the magnetic energy grows is the energy cascade rate, a constant.
Turbulence The magnetic field gains energy at roughly the same rate that energy is fed into the energy cascade, which is This doesn’t depend on the magnetic field strength at all. The scale of the field increases at the equipartition turn over rate
Turbulence After a few eddy turn over rates the field scale is the large eddy scale (~30 pc) and the field strength is at equipartition. This is seen in numerical simulations of MHD turbulence e.g. Cho et al. (2009). This does not (by itself) explain the Faraday rotation results since the galactic disk is a few hundred pc.
An added consideration…. The growth of the magnetic field does not stop at the eddy scale. Turbulent processes create a long wavelength tail. Regardless of how efficient, or inefficient it is, it’s going to overwhelm the initial large scale seed field. For magnetic fields this is generated by a fluctuating electromotive force, the random sum of every eddy in a magnetic domain.
The fluctuation-dissipation theorem The field random walks upward in strength until turbulent dissipation through the thickness of the disk balances the field increase. This takes a dissipation time. This creates a large scale B r 2 which is down from the equipartition strength by N -1, the inverse of the number of eddies in domain. Here a domain should be an annulus of the disk, since shearing will otherwise destroy it.
The large scale field Choosing generic numbers for the turbulence, we have about 10 5 eddies in a minimal annulus, implying an rms B r ~ G. The eddy turnover rate is about , 10x faster than the galactic shear, and the dissipation time is about 10 -1, or a couple of galactic rotations.
The randomly generated seed field Since the azimuthal field will be larger than B r by this gives a large scale seed field somwhere around 0.1 G, generated in several hundred million years. The local field strength reaches equipartition much faster, within a small fraction of a galactic rotation period.
The large scale dynamo? We need about 7 e-foldings of a large scale dynamo or an age of 70 -1~ 2 billion years, less at smaller galactic radii. Since galactic disks seem to grow from the inside out, observed disks at high redshift should require less than a billion years to reach observed field strengths.
Further Complications? The magnetic helicity current does not actually depend on the existence of large scale field. The existence of turbulence and rotation produces a strong flux of magnetic helicity once the local field is in equipartition. The inverse cascade does depend on the existence of a large scale field, but the consequent growth of the field is super- exponential.
To be more exact…… The dynamo is generated by the electric field in the azimuthal direction. This is constrained by The eddy scale magnetic helicity flux in a slowly rotating system is roughly
In other words, the large scale field is important for the magnetic helicity flux only in a homogeneous background. Consequently we expect the galactic dynamo to evolve through four stages: 1. Random walk increase in magnetic field. 2. Coherent driving while h increases linearly. (Roughly exp (t/t g ) 3/2 growth.) 3. Divergence of helicity flux balanced by inverse cascade. (Roughly linear growth.) 4. Saturation when B~H .
Timescales? The transition to coherent growth occurs at roughly 2/ . Saturation sets in after 1 “e-folding time”, or at about 10/ , roughly two orbits.
System of equations
Yet more Complications While a strong Faraday signal requires only the coherent magnetization of annuli in the disk, local measurements seem to show that many disks have coherent fields with few radial reversals. This requires either radial mixing over the life time of the disk - or that the galactic halo play a significant role in the dynamo process.
Astrophysical implications The early universe is not responsible for the magnetization of the universe, and the magnetization of the universe tells us nothing about fundamental physics. Attempts to find disk galaxies with subequipartition field strengths at high redshift are likely to prove disappointing for the foreseeable future.
Summary A successful alpha-omega dynamo can be driven by a magnetic helicity flux, which is expected in any differentially rotating turbulent fluid. The growth is not exponential, but faster. Seed fields will be generated from small scale turbulence. The total time for the appearance of equipartition large scale fields in galactic disks is a couple of rotations. Kinematic effects never dominate.