The Tile-HCAL Physics Prototype; concept, status, time plan Volker Korbel, DESY, for the CALICE Coll. Montpellier, France, November 2003 Groups involved: DESY DUBNA Moscow: ITEP LPI MEPHI Prague: Inst. of Physics, Charles Univ. more co-operation: from CALICE: UK groups for HCAL DAQ LAL/ Orsay, preamps US, NICADD/NIU, >> scintillators, TC, Si-PMs abroad: Japanese Groups (KEK, Universities), Photodetectors See:talks with more details >>> B. Dolgoshein, G. Eigen, E. Garutti, V.K., V. Morgunov, R. Poeschl,A. Raspareza
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November Single looped fibre strong fibre bending, most stress on fibres, probably ageing damages? tiles, fibers, light yield Centre/straight WLS-fibreDiagonal/bent WLS-fibre No stress on fibre, fibre end reflector =tile reflector L=7,85cm L=5cm L=20cm 1.4 mm hole in centre drilled and polished For 5 cm straight WLS-fibre RO cheep, for SiPM’s only more stress on fibre, fibre end reflector =tile reflector L=7.85cm clear RO fibres: l=1-3.5m to photo detector light attenuation <18% Scintillator: PS, ITEP/Vladimir: BASF-143, cast them in tiles, 40 m 2 Light yield for MIP’s (used for calibration): ph.e. on photo-cathode
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November Photo-detectors “Conventional” “Direct coupling” APD WLS & sensor 2 ways: SiPM see Boris, Erika’s talk: Si-PM’s (MEPHI/Pulsar): large quantities APD’s (Hamamatsu S spl) ~140/200 >1 x 1 mm 2 special new APD’s ordered > R&D prepared x x x
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November Minical predecessor of Ppt E-beam, muons Aim of these studies: cosmic muons: different photodetectors LY improvements uniformity of response calibration with MIP’s long term ageing LED monitoring: stability dynamic range measurement e-beam, study of: energy resolution constant term
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November Granularity for Ppt Strategy: Individual tile RO mostly Larger granularities (smaller tiles) in inner core Abandon smallest tiles in last sandwich layers (~1/3...1/4) Recover shower leakage in a tail catcher, scint. strip RO A lot of pad configurations studied by: V. Morgunov, A. Raspereza; DESY V. Zutshi; NIU to optimize: individual cluster separation shower overlap reconstruction energy resolution, software weighting include semi-digital and digital DigiCal studies (NICADD, NIU)
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November Example: pad sizes increase x 2 3, 6 and 12 cm +/-0,79
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November Optimal overlay geometry ? Only 3 sizes, modular: 3, 6 and 12 cm tiles: 98 x 98 cm 2 covered room for outside frame best in: overlay of events to jets all tiles to be produced in single press form
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November Preamps Strategy: study several options, choose appropriate one prototypes in stud: for Si-PMs principally no preamp needed, or low gain (~10), PM-amplifier? but trigger delay needs longer pulse shaping fast preamp needed for calibration with single ph.e. peaks? for APDs voltage sensitive (Prague), large gain charge sensitive: 1. ECAL type for APD gain >200: 12 mV/7.2 fC 2. improved ECAL type, lower C in, larger gain designed at LAL <100: 12 mV/1.8 fC 3. MINSK/Gilitski preamp
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November The VFE-ROB-scheme, Si-PMs pulse shapers Sample & hold Multi plexer (analog) Trigger/ RO clock HV, decoupled voltage sens. preamps (gain ~10) pedestals HV on board, PC controlled ? ~ 60 V V/V~10 -3 cosmic beam Calibr. pulses DAC PIN diode for LED monitoring LED signals
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November The VFE-ROB-scheme, APD’s Array of single APD’s n x 9 x 2 pulse shapers Sample & hold Multi plexer (analog) Trigger/ RO clock LED signals PIN diode for LED monitoring HV, decoupled, common HV setting ?? charge sensitive preamps HV, < 440 V on board V/V~ ,03 mA/ch cosmic beam Charge injection DAC, pedestals
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November LED test Dubna test board for CAMAC RO Ready soon for tests with CAMAC later VME-RO VFE-Board houses: APD array fibre mask Preamp chips LV supply HV-PS (400 V) LED monitoring multiplexed RO > VFE / CAMAC RO
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November Ppt stack, new design Absorber plates: Metal sheet: EN D x 1005 x 1005 S G Steel: Stahl EN Fe 360 B 36 layers, Fe, 16 +/ mm, flatness 3 mm cut to 100x100 cm 2 ~ 135 kg Sandwich structure: 6.5 mm scintillator + fibers 6.5 mm is max also for other detector layers 2 x 2 mm cover plates,+/-0.95mm 100 x100 cm outer dimensions Thickness tolerances >0.5 mm Cassettes: -Housing sensor plates -easy to exchange -Cassette weight ~32 kg (Tile-HCAL) total Ppt stack weight ~6 t
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November Ppt on moving platform Beam height 2,30 m, platform: weight ~ 10 t, width ~ 5 m, depth ~ 2 m Cassette insertion from this side VFE electronic VME-DAQ on platform
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November Ppt at inclined beam incidence Is angular range of 0-35° sufficient? Top view Distance bolts 35° to beam
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November Calibration with cosmic m’s Rotation around horizontal axis: ??Fixed rotation rolls/tools or rotation by crane??
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November Some comments on the tail catcher Discussions during last Tile-HCAL main meeting: (NIU, DESY), today's status>>>: I. section, 20 sandwich layers with same segmentation, 2 cm Fe, 0.5 cm Scintillator 100 x 100 cm 2, Fe provided by DESY, sort out worst from 56: Strip RO, 10 or 12 cm wide strips Si-PM RO, from both sides ? 40 cm Fe, ~ 2.4 needs 320 Si-PMs (Si-PM’s on both sides, 12 cm strips) essential for Tile-HCAL stand alone tests Followed 1.8 of dead, coil like material Than coarser segmentation II. section: 5 layers, 10 cm Fe absorber, ~ 3 scintillator (1 cm thick), strip or pad RO needs more simulation studies (NIU- NICADD group) US could provide extruded scintillator with grooves, steel from FNAL
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November More on Ppt structure Design and construction in hands of Karsten Gadow, DESY, H1, wants not to be contacted by all individuals as filters act Felix or me We ask for comments, agreement to: Fe plates, 16 mm, mm, no steel? Sensor casettes with 2x2 mm Fe-sheets? keep gap thickness (10+0,5 mm) ? Lateral dimensions (100x100 cm2) ? Angular measurements program ? Problems with connectors, gas,….? Moving platform performance TC structure (also heavily involved, US (V. Zutshi)
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November the Ppt construction program, draft Ppt stack construction: 3 months tender and ordering, 3 months to build Moving beam platform included in these 6 month Press form for tile production: 4 months Scintillator production >> tiles: 3 months Cassettes design to be fixed next 3 months All equipped cassettes could be available in end October 2004 Si-PMs 1. ~5000, 3 months production, 3 months acceptance tests 2. batch (~3000) needed Acceptance tests with Si-PM’s already mounted in tiles needs 3 months after production, 1. September finished More APD’s to order, have soon 58, need 140 (200?) Decision on preamps and VFE logic for Si-PM’s and APD’s in 2003 Prototype VFE board, Dubna, needed spring 2004, all delivered 9/2004 CALICE-UK DAQ prototype ready 1. March 2004 >>March-August, System tests with cassettes, cosmic and DAQ at DESY, with increasing # of cassettes Ppt e-beam test with ECAL at DESY in October 2004
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November The future The CALICE Physics Prototype >>3-5 months data collection in e, ,p, test beam(s) starting in spring 2005
V. Korbel, DESY, CALICEMontpellier, France, November /-0,66 Small core tile pattern