WEB 2.0 MARKETING A report on the many diverse strategies on Web 2.0 Marketing on the World Wide Web.
What is Web 2.0? Web 2.0 is described as being a service in which users can create, edit and join their own or a social networking site in perpetual beta. Web 2.0 services are offered by the world wide web as it is a structural background for web 2.0. Individuals who use these services have the advantage of controlling their own data as well as enabling the services and applications to develop as more individuals utilize the service. ( Tim O’Reilly, 2005:1) Web 2.0 enables users of the web to work in partnership, contribute many types of information with each other, provide an infrastructure for more dynamic user participation, social interaction and collaboration. (
What is Marketing? Marketing is described as a plan based on the interrelationships of the four P’s (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) to market a product to consumers. The plan should project targets and ensure that these can be effectively measured. (bized) Solution Information Value Access
What Web 2.0 Marketing can do for your company/service. Online marketing is recognised and ideal for small midsize companies, as this method is affordable and extremely powerful when compared to the traditional methods of marketing. Social Networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace etc are effective as they attract the younger and entertaining generation of people. These sites require valuable concepts as well as content, applications, design, activities and tools. Blogs which are recognised as inline journals which can comment on ANY type of subject, topic or activities, enable companies which provide Web 2.0 services to have direct, informal dialogue with the users Services that require user input in order to generate the site also monitor user behaviour. (
Podcasts are effective forms of advertisements as they can be played and listened to on mp3 players and iPods at any time. This gives a brief description of the product and why they should use it. Press Releases can be used to advertise services unto online news sites, but in order to meet its requirements the press release will need to stand out, as a disadvantage is there are many press releases on the web. Companies and services can pay for their services to be displayed on search engine results. ( What Web 2.0 Marketing can do for your company/service contd…
Web 2.0 Marketing Strategies With Web 2.0 there are many different concepts which need to be adapted and undertaken in order to advertise, market and attract the Web 2.0 user.
1.Learn about Social Media There are many different new and old services on the world wide web which enable individuals and users to participate in the growth, development and participation on the Web 2.0 site. Understanding the applications, use and concepts of new engines are regarded as it will help you effectively reach to your markets. LEARN, PARTICIPATE and UNDERSTAND about Social Media. (
2.Create a Market Plan Think STRATIGICALLY! Think of new ideas which will enable the users to create content and report it back to the designer/company. The plan should include the purpose of the site, who will be using it, why they’ll like to use it, the content they can add to the site and what they can gain from the site. (
3.Participation Add social tools and services which will enable users to comment and contribute. Join conversations on blogs and wikis. Create a profile for your library and offer content and services that attract links, contacts and friends. (
4.Be Remarkable Have something interesting to offer the users of the Web 2.0 service. Adding fresh content is a priority. (
5.Let you Library Content Travel Encourage users of the site to bookmark and tag the content of the site Make sure appropriate and the right content management software is used in order for the web sites o contain permanent URLs. Create toolbars, widgets and badges in order for the Library information to be wherever the user is. Syndicate everything that the user will find useful. (
6.Take part in the Multimedia Create videos, music based media, badges, Podcasts and other forms of advertisement to large social networking sites that can never be under looked, such as YouTube, Facebook, MySpace etc. (
7.Monitor and Engagement and be open to learn Evaluating how well the Web 2.0 site is doing is very critical, as this provides relevant feedback on the production, impact and overall development of the site. Topics that will need to be monitored are: 1.How many blog readers are on the site 2.The many different comments posted and the different users that have posted them 3.The amount of visitors 4.Is the site bookmarked 5.Is the site advertised on users Facebook, MySpace etc 6.Have users added the site library to their favourites or bookmark list 7.How many users/visitors contribute content to the site (
References ( ( businesses.mspx businesses.mspx