1 Session 12 Documentation For Advocacy
2 Advocacy What is advocacy? How can we use the information we collect from the women and girls to reduce risk and to respond to SGBV and other risk factors at an individual and a collective level? Getting women's voices into the decision making process at all levels Working at a local level Working at the divisional level Working at a National Level Working at an international level List ways in which we could do advocacy work by:
3 By working to: Strengthen networks with mainstream women’s groups Form relationships with Government Ministries, mechanisms and staff Build Closer relationships with UN agencies Others Advocacy
4 SUGGESTED CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT I, _____________________________________ (insert name) representing the _________________________________________ (insert service provider name) Declare that your story and all the information you provide us about your case will be totally confidential. We will not approach any other agency about your case unless you have signed the attached permission letter. Unless you provide us with written permission we will not use your name or any information which might identify you in any of our statistical or data reports. Signature:___________________________ I_____________________________________ understand and accept this agreement Signed:_________________________________ Date:____________________________ Witness signature:________________________ Witness title:_______________________ You will be given the original copy of this form to keep.
5 Advocacy and Participation In Decision Making Supporting women and girls to take part in decision making processes At the local, district, provincial and national level Making it more than token participation Finding way to link the local to the international