Who Wants to Be an Evaluationaire?
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Michael Scriven Who Developed the Concept of Summative and Formative Evaluation? Hallie Preskill Michael Quinn Patton Daniel Stufflebeam 50/50 A CD B
Marvin Alkin Who created the Success Case Method? Melvin Mark Robert Brinkerhoff Jane Davidson A CD B 50/50
William Shadish Who served as the editor for the Encyclopedia of Evaluation? Sandra Mathison Peter Rossi Thomas Cook A CD B 50/50
Huey-Tsyh Chen Who created the four levels of training evaluation that eventually became five with the additional of ROI by Jack Phillips? Don Kirkpatrick Joseph Holey George Madaus A CD B 50/50
Ernest House Who conceptualized Responsive Evaluation? Jennifer Greene Carol Hirschon Weiss Robert Stake A CD B 50/50
Joseph Holey Whose name is associated with emphasizing the importance of participatory evaluation? Bradley Cousins John Owen Jean King A CD B 50/50
Yvonna Lincoln Who conceptualized empowerment evaluation? David Fetterman Elliott Eisener Egon Guba A CD B 50/50
Rosalie Torres Which of the following individuals did not co-author Evaluation Strategies for Communicating and Reporting? Hallie Preskill Mary Pionek Jason Luellen A CD B 50/50
Shakeh Kaftarian Who wrote performance-based evaluation? Laura Hawthorn Judy Hale James McDavid A CD B 50/50
Michael Scriven Who created the framework for the Key Evaluation Checklist? Christina Christie James Sanders Ian Shaw A CD B 50/50
Abraham Wandersman Who co-authored the book Concept Mapping for planning and Evaluation with William Trochim? Jack Edwards John Scott Mary Kane A CD B 50/50
Michael Bamberger Who did not serve as one of the authors for Real Work Evaluation? Jim Rugh Nambury Raju Linda Mabry A CD B 50/50
Terry Williams Who was the author for Pos- Project Reviews to Gain Effective Lessons Learned published by PMI? Bruce Thyer Deborah Padgett David Royse A CD B 50/50
Cem Kaner Who was note one of the authors of the book Lessons Learned in Software Testing? James Bach Bret Petticord TK Logan A CD B 50/50
Ray Rist Who served as an author for both Ten Steps to a Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation System and From Studies to Streams? Karen Golden-Biddle Karen Locke Joy Frechtling A CD B 50/50