SEERE Workshop, Neum Tempura Retargeting Damyan Mitev, Vladimir Valkanov Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”
SEERE Workshop, Neum CAMeLS project flexible, adaptive, collaborative, context-aware service and agent-oriented eLearning environment uses InfoStation network architecture delivers personalized, mobile, any-time and any-where assess to educational content and services
SEERE Workshop, Neum InfoStation middleware manages services and mobile users scenario based – « No change » scenario – « Change IS » scenario – « Change MD » scenario – « Change both » scenario
SEERE Workshop, Neum Scenarios depend on movement of user and used mobile device mandate different behavior of the middleware – different device profiles (capabilities) – cached information in the InfoStations – availability of services in different InfoStations time dependant
SEERE Workshop, Neum Scenario detection and control we need – formal description of scenarios – mechanisms to interpret that description we gain – flexible mechanisms for creating new (sub) scenarios – easily define corresponding middleware behavior
SEERE Workshop, Neum Scenario formalism Interval Temporal Logic – propositional and first-order logical reasoning – finite sequences – time intervals – capable of handling sequential and parallel composition Tempura - executable ITL framework.
SEERE Workshop, Neum Tempura usage middleware – written in Java Tempura – written in C – open source possible usage of Tempura – wrapping existing Tempura executable with Java IO redirection – development of entirely new project, based on execution rules of ITL – reengineering of Tempura and rewriting it in Java
SEERE Workshop, Neum Tempura retargeting homogenous environment usage of quality code as a basis no steep curve learning ITL nuts and bolts
SEERE Workshop, Neum Tempura source code diagram
SEERE Workshop, Neum Retargeting plan based on iterations iteration phases – research phase – implementation phase – testing phase
SEERE Workshop, Neum Plan for first iteration research – understand Interval Temporal Logic In progress – learn code structure, main program flow, structures and variables of Tempura interpreter Mostly done – check possible usages of existing C-to Java conversion tools No suitable software found – check possible usages of existing C analysis tools No suitable software found
SEERE Workshop, Neum Plan for first iteration (cont’d) implementation – create a Java class for every C source file and its associate header file – create a static method in the Java class for every function in the C file with the same name (ignoring Java naming conventions) – create static variable in the Java class for every global variable in the header file – create a static method in the Java class for every macro function in the header file (where appropriate) – expand the contents of every macro, not covered by the previous step – implement all struct and union types as Java classes – convert integer boolean assignments and expressions into proper Java boolean constructs – replace function pointers with instances of specially created Interface, which will call the desired Java method (delegates)
SEERE Workshop, Neum Plan for first iteration (cont’d) implementation status (estimated) – 40 % of the source code – 80 % of the structures – 30 % of function pointers problems – console oriented – scattered functions and variables – heavy use of c-specific syntax structures like macros, pointers, memory addressing, null terminated strings, inline initializers
SEERE Workshop, Neum Plan for first iteration (cont’d) testing – run the examples, which come with the original sources, on the Java interpreter and compare results desired outcome – working JTempura interpreter by the end of the year
SEERE Workshop, Neum Plan for second iteration towards object-oriented structure – converting different Node types (denoted by their type member) into hierarchy of base class TNode and a descendant for every node type, supported by JTempura – converting various reducers from static members to Java classes and creating hierarchy of reducers with base class TReducer
SEERE Workshop, Neum Plan for second iteration (cont’d) towards object-oriented structure – redirecting input and output of the interpreter into streams – redesign memory management – redesign error handling and notification – group similar and relevant methods in one class – design complex objects for storing lexemes – implement syntax tree outcome of the parser, representing the given ITL expression
SEERE Workshop, Neum Plan for second iteration (cont’d) Object-oriented model for the second iteration
SEERE Workshop, Neum Plan for third iteration research – analyze different runtime verification (RV) tools and frameworks – learn different RV strategies – choose suitable strategy for our needs (service monitoring, scenario detection, Java) implementation – towards runtime verification framework – implement at least one of the strategies
SEERE Workshop, Neum Tools Eclipse-CPP Eclipse-Java PowerDesigner
SEERE Workshop, Neum Thank you