Seville, Spain June 2008 REACT Project: Preliminary Set of Requirements for an AIDL Javier López Leonés Boeing Research and Technology Europe
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Trajectory Related Information Exchange Data COM Infrastructure Predicted trajectory information Flight Intent Airborne Predicted Trajectory TP PROCESS 2 (e.g., arrival manager) Flight Intent Ground Predicted Trajectory Trajectory Computation Infrastructure (1) Aircraft Intent Intent Generation Infrastructure (1) Airborne TP Trajectory Computation Infrastructure (2) Aircraft Intent Intent Generation Infrastructure (2) Ground TP Aircraft Intent information Flight Intent Information Trajectory Prediction (e.g., flight management system)
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Trajectory Related Information Exchange Data COM Infrastructure Predicted trajectory information Flight Intent Airborne Predicted Trajectory TP PROCESS 2 (e.g., arrival manager) Flight Intent Ground Predicted Trajectory Trajectory Computation Infrastructure (1) Aircraft Intent Intent Generation Infrastructure (1) Airborne TP Trajectory Computation Infrastructure (2) Aircraft Intent Intent Generation Infrastructure (2) Ground TP Aircraft Intent information Flight Intent Information Trajectory Prediction (e.g., flight management system)
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June REACT Scope Flight Intent Airborne Predicted Trajectory Trajectory Computation Infrastructure Aircraft Intent Intent Generation Infrastructure Trajectory Prediction
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June The Aircraft Intent Description Language (AIDL) is a formal language designed to describe aircraft intent information in a rigorous but flexible manner AIDL comprises of an alphabet and a grammar (lexical and syntactical) What is the AIDL?
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Actual aircraft state (position, speed, weight…) What is the AIDL? Environmental Conditions Pilot Real World Trajectory Prediction (Air or Ground) Flight Commands & Guidance Modes Flight Intent Flight Plan Tactical Amendments to Flight Plan Airborne Automation System Actual Trajectory ? Aircraft Predicted Trajectory Trajectory Computation Infrastructure Aircraft Intent Intent Generation Infrastructure Initial Conditions Trajectory Predictor (TP) AT or ABOVE FL290 AIDL
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June The Aircraft Intent Description Language (AIDL) is a formal language designed to describe aircraft intent information in a rigorous but flexible manner AIDL comprises of an alphabet and a grammar (lexical and syntactical) AIDL alphabet contains a set of instructions, which define all the possible ways in which different TPs model flight commands and guidance modes in ATM Lexical grammar contains a set of rules (lexicon) to define valid simultaneous combination of the instructions to express elemental behaviors of the aircraft (operations) Syntactical grammar contains a set of rules (syntax) to define valid sequential combination of instructions to express the sequence of operations that give rise to the trajectory What is the AIDL?
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June REACT Objectives Eliciting requirements for a common AIDL that can support trajectory synchronization in future Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO) This common AIDL has to – be application independent – serve to encode aircraft intent information for both air or ground trajectory-based automation systems – support air-air, air-ground and ground-ground interoperability – cover any level of detail demanded by trajectory-based applications – serve to express the input to any trajectory computation infrastructure in ATM The AIDL shall contain formal / mathematical structures to define all the possible ways in which different TPs model flight commands / guidance modes and standard procedures in ATM ( the instructions )
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June REACT so far… Elicitation of requirements for a common AIDL : – Variety of stakeholders approached: ATM industry, FMS manufacturers, airlines and developers of automation tools for future trajectory-based concepts – Requirements on how each of these stakeholders internally model aircraft intent information in their systems: specific application-driven Aircraft Intent Description Model (AIDM) – Understand the commonalities among these systems in terms of aircraft intent description The AIDL shall comply with all the requirements identified during the elicitation process: AIDL is the superset of the AIDMs identified
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Contributors to REACT ATM INDUSTRY – FDPS – INDRA - FDPS TP – THALES - EUROCAT-E TP – SELEX SI – CoFlight – ASA - EUROCAT-X TP – Lockheed Martin - ERAM – ATM Tools – ASA - Flight Plan Conflict Function – ASA - MAESTRO AMAN – NATS - iFACTS – BARCO - OSYRIS AMAN – Flight Planning Tools – EMIRATES - Flight Planning – BRITISH AIRWAYS - Flight Planning – QANTAS - Flight Planning – VIRGIN BLUE - Flight Planning ATM AUTOMATION – Future Automation – EUROCONTROL - TMA – LVNL - SARA TP – NASA AMES, L3 COMMUNICATIONS - CTAS TP – NASA LaRC - 4D FMS – Advanced APMs – BOEING R&TE, Eurocontrol - BADA 4.0 FMS INDUSTRY – FMS TP and Guidance – GE AVIATION – FMS TP – HONEYWELL – FMS TP – Specific FMS Functions – GE AVIATION - Altitude Planning – GE AVIATION - FMS RTA EUROCONTROL – TMA 2010+, FASTI, Datalink User Group, Flight Object Group, CFMU, Surface Movement, Military
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Elicitation Process Methodology (I) Flight Intent Airborne Predicted Trajectory Trajectory Computation Infrastructure Aircraft Intent Intent Generation Infrastructure Trajectory Prediction Flow-down aircraft intent generation capabilities Flow-up trajectory computation capabilities
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Elicitation Process Methodology (II) – Top Down Flight Intent Airborne Predicted Trajectory Trajectory Computation Infrastructure Aircraft Intent Intent Generation Infrastructure Trajectory Prediction Flow-down aircraft intent generation capabilities Flow-up trajectory computation capabilities
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Elicitation Process Methodology (II) – Top Down Intent Generation Infrastructure User Preferences Model (UPM) Aircraft performance characteristics, pilot models, and company preferences Operational Context Model (OCM) Airspace configuration (e.g. airways, fix and airport definitions, sector boundaries,…) Aircraft Intent Generation Process Route Conversion Path Initialization Constraint Specification Intent Modeling
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Elicitation Process Methodology (III) – Bottom Up Flight Intent Airborne Predicted Trajectory Trajectory Computation Infrastructure Aircraft Intent Intent Generation Infrastructure Trajectory Prediction Flow-down aircraft intent generation capabilities Flow-up trajectory computation capabilities
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Elicitation Process Methodology (III) – Bottom Up Aircraft Performance Model (APM) Type of APM (e.g. kinematical) Input needed … Trajectory Engine (TE) Lateral and vertical path computation Equations of Motion … Earth Model (EM) Wind model Reference systems … Trajectory Computation Infrastructure
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Elicitation Process Methodology (IV) –Requirements Derivation Elicitation Reports AIDMs Derivation AIDM 1 AIDM 2 AIDM 3 AIDM n Requirements consolidation process AIDL structural requirements
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Example: FDPS -X Which aspects of the aircraft motion can be affected by the AIDM in place (speed, configuration, vertical and lateral movement, throttle control)? Speed, vertical and lateral profiles. Which aspects are not covered but are needed for the computation of the trajectory (e.g. cost index, procedures for turnings, configuration or throttle input)? Configuration and throttle decisions are embedded in the APM.
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Example: FDPS -X How can each of those aspects be modified (e.g. vertical motion can be affected by controlling the vertical speed, the path angle or the altitude; lateral path using the bank angle and constant bearing segments)? The vertical and longitudinal motion is defined using constant airspeed segment (conventional air mass climb/descents ISA/Mach). In climb/descent, the corresponding values of ROC/ROD for the aircraft type at hand are provided by the APM (BADA tables). These values are obtained assuming a constant speed (IAS or Mach) and maximum climb/idle rating for climbs/descents, respectively. The Flight Level/altitude profile can contain constant Flight Level/altitude segments but no other control over the path angle is available. The lateral path is defined using both the heading segments and curves over the Earth’s surface, such as great circles joining two waypoints. Bank angle is not considered (turn rate is used to model turns).
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June How many types of speed, altitude, path angle, vertical speed, throttle input, etc can be used (e.g. speed can only be Mach or CAS) Speeds: Ground speed (absolute aircraft speed measured with respect to the ground), TAS in knots or Mach, CAS Vertical Speed: Pressure ROC/ROD Altitude: Pressure altitude Course: Magnetic Heading Example: FDPS -X
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June INSTRUCTIONS REQUIRED ProfileCodeSpecifierLawComments SpeedAirspeed CASConstant IASConstant MachConstant TASConstant Ground SpeedConstant Vertical AltitudePressureConstant Vertical SpeedROC/RODGiven by the APM These values are obtained assuming a constant speed (IAS or Mach) and maximum climb/idle rating for climbs/descents, respectively. ThrottleModified within the APM Lateral TrackGreat CircleGreat circle law Hold Heading Magnetic Heading Constant Turn Magnetic Heading Linear Law Turns are modelled as a manoeuvre at constant turn rate (fixed in general) ConfigurationModified within the APM Example: AIDM Implicit DerivationFDPS -X
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Preliminary Results (I) An AIDL shall model FIVE behavioural aspects of the aircraft motion (AIDL instructions) –Lateral profile: geometrical path, course, bank angle –Vertical profile: altitude, vertical speed, path angle –Speed profile: airspeed, horizontal speed –Throttle profile: engine ratings –Configuration profile: high lift devices, speed brakes, landing gear An AIDL shall have formal mechanisms to indicate how each of these aspects are specified (Instruction Specifier) – Airspeed can be CAS, Mach, etc; – Engine ratings can be maximum climb, idle, etc – Course can be bearing or heading, magnetic or true, etc; –…–…
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Preliminary Results (II) :AIDL Primitives & Grammar Rules HS Set Law/Track Hold Open loop input LateralVerticalSpeedPropulsive Motion Profiles Configuration Profiles AIDL Alphabet LDCTCSGPAGLDGAGHSGVSGLPGVPG HLCSBC LGC SL HS CLHSL HHS SBA BAL HBA OLBA HC THPAL HA SPA PAL HPA TVPVSL HVS ST TL HT OLT SHL HLL SSB SBL SLG OLPA HHLHSB OLSB HLG #KeywordInstructionTarget 1SLSpeed Law v TAS 2HSHold Speed 3HSLHorizontal Speed Law v TAS cosγ TAS 4HHSHold Horizontal Speed #KeywordInstructionTarget 11ALAltitude Law h 12HAHold Altitude 13TVPTrack Vertical Path λ, φ, h #KeywordInstructionTarget 23HCHold Course χ TAS 24THPTrack Horizontal Path λ, φ 5VSLVertical Speed Law v TAS sinγ TAS 6HVSHold Vertical Speed 7SPASet Path Angle γ TAS 8PALPath Angle Law 9HPAHold Path Angle 10OLPAOpen Loop Path Angle 14STSet Throttle δTδT 15TLThrottle Law 16HTHold Throttle 17OLTOpen Loop Throttle 25SHLSeth High Lift devices δ HL 26HLLHigh Lift devices Law 27HHLHold High Lift devices 28SSBSet Speed Brakes δ SB 29SBLSpeed Brakes Law 30HSBHold Speed Brakes 31OLSBOpen Loop Speed Brakes 32SLGSet Landing Gear δ LG 33HLGHold Landing Gear 18SBASet Bank Angle μ TAS 19BALBank Angle Law 20HBAHold Bank Angle 21OLBAOpen Loop Bank Angle 22CLCourse Law χ TAS AIDL Lexicon 6 instructions, each from a different group Of the 6, 3 must belong to the motion profiles and 3 to the configuration profiles The 3 motion instructions must belong to different motion profiles Of the 3 motion instructions, 1 must come from the lateral profile AIDL Syntax Lateral instructions can only be followed by lateral instructions Instructions from the configuration groups can only be followed by instructions from the same group Instructions from vertical, speed and propulsive profiles can only be followed by instructions of the those profiles
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Preliminary Results (III) HS (CAS) Instruction: Hold Speed Specifier: CAS Constraint: Constant law of 280Knots CAS=280 HC (GEO,MAG) Instruction: Hold Course Specifier: GEO,MAG Constraint: Constant law of 175º Magnetic Bearing = 175
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Example: FDPS -X How do the switching between modes or instructions take place (e.g. they capture a certain type of condition)? Can they be customizable (e.g. user-defined relation between altitude and speed to end the climb phase)? Is it possible to define multiple conditions (e.g. AND and OR logic: finish climb when such speed is reached OR such altitude is reached; finish climbing when such speed is reached AND such altitude is reached) – The AIDM used by the FDPS -X TP considers multiple constraints in the same point (AND logic) and the possibility of defining OR-type combinations (e.g. whichever comes first or whichever comes last) to activate / deactivate the instructions.
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Preliminary Results (IV) An AIDL shall contain mechanisms to indicate the conditions for the changes in the aircraft behaviour (Instructions Triggers) – Triggers shall support different types of conditions for the activation/deactivation of the instructions – Triggers shall support the specification of multiple conditions. – Triggers shall permit the creation of mode switching logics, this is a “conditioned aircraft intent”
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Preliminary Results (V): AIDL Expressivity Mechanisms HA (PRE=22000 ft) M=0.78 HS (MACH=0.65) Pilot event t =t0 VSL (ROC=200ft/min) h=4500ft OR r=200NM Trigger conditions control instructions’ execution interval f(λ,φ) = 0 CAS=200knots HA (PRE) r>200 NM HS (CAS) h=4500 ft AND r<200 NM OR h=2500 ft HS (CAS) HPA (GEO) Bearing=210º h=2500 ft
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June AIDL Example: Descent profile using AIDL instructions Longitudinal Horizontal AIRCRAFT TRAJECTORY Time CA TOD R?R? 075 FL320 M.78 M.88 ? KCAS 110 N W THPHA AIRCRAFT INTENT Vertical Profile Propulsive Profile Speed Profile OPERATIONS HS TL Lateral Profile SBAHBASBA OP#1OP#2OP#3OP#4OP#5OP#6OP#7OP#8OP#9OP#10 HA TL THP HSHSHS TL HSTHP HA THP TL THP AoB 280 KCAS AoA 4500ft AoB 180 KCAS A 280 KCAS 180 KCAS M=0.78Pilot event ? Roll-in anticipation d Capture of target bank h=4500ft 280KCAS d Capture of target bank 180KCAS ? Roll-in anticipation
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Future steps … Eliciting requirements for a common AIDL that can support trajectory synchronization in future Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO ) Development of a AIDL prototype that fulfill those requirements Evaluation of the use of such an AIDL for trajectory synchronization comparing with other types of trajectory related information (e.g., flight intent, predicted trajectory,..) Development of an standard, based on the AIDL prototype, for the exchange of aircraft intent information
REACT Workshop Seville, Spain 24 th - 25 th June Thank you! Q&A