.NET 3.0 & 3.5 Framework Team: Dan Stead Alex Nichols
Agenda What is the.NET Framework? .NET 3.0 .NET 3.5 Effect on ASP.NET Demo
.NET Framework What is the.NET Framework? A large body of pre-coded solutions to common program requirements, and an execution manager Like a huge Lego set
.NET 3.0 Builds on.NET 2.0 to include new technologies for building applications that have: Visually compelling user experiencesVisually compelling user experiences Seamless communication across technology boundariesSeamless communication across technology boundaries The ability to support a wide range of business processes.The ability to support a wide range of business processes. Released with Windows Vista
.NET 3.0
Windows Workflow Foundation Allows developers to build workflow enabled applications Workflow Designer: Graphical workflow creationGraphical workflow creation Rules Engine: Logic to guide workflowLogic to guide workflow Activity Model: EventsEvents Workflow Runtime: Executes activates hosted on any.NET processExecutes activates hosted on any.NET process ASP.NET website, Windows Forms, Windows Service
Workflow Designer: Rules Engine: Activity Model: Workflow Runtime:
Windows CardSpace Enables users to provide their digital identities in a familiar, secure and easy way. In the physical world we use business cards, credit cards and membership cards. Online with CardSpace we use a variety of virtual cards to identify ourselves, each retrieving data from an identity provider.
.NET 3.5 Language Integrated Query SQL-like querying syntax for the.NET languages to query data from several collections:SQL-like querying syntax for the.NET languages to query data from several collections: Arrays XML And more… New language features in C# and VB Slated to be released with next version of Visual Studio (“Orcas”), which is currently in Beta 1
Demo: LINQ
Linq1() Result Numbers < 5:
Demo: LINQ Linq28() Result The sorted list of words: apple blueberry cherry
Effect on ASP.NET Windows Workflow Foundation to handle workflow processes Windows CardSpace to handle authentication Language Integrated Query for interaction with data within the application
Demo: DinnerNow.net Demonstrate how you can develop a connected application using several new Microsoft technologies: IIS7IIS7 ASP.NET Ajax ExtensionsASP.NET Ajax Extensions LinqLinq WCF, WWF, WPF, WCSWCF, WWF, WPF, WCS Windows PowershellWindows Powershell.NET Compact Framework.NET Compact Framework