Aistear: the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework Similarities and differences with the Infant Level in the Primary School Curriculum
2 2 Overview of session Purpose To identify priorities for children’s learning at the infant level in primary school To compare these priorities with those in Aistear To highlight the key similarities and differences between Aistear and the Infant Curriculum
33 Activity: Priorities at infant level Priorities in the Infant Curriculum 1.Discuss as a small group what you consider to be the priorities for children’s learning at the infant level in primary school: ‒What should children be able to do and know at the end of senior infants? 2. Agree 5 priorities across the curriculum. 3. Share these priorities with the larger group. 4. Agree on one set of priorities across the larger group.
44 Activity: Aistear’s themes Aistear’s themes – priorities for children’s learning 1. The table sets out the four aims from each of Aistear’s themes. As a group, assign each aim to what you consider is the relevant theme. (Well-being = WB; Identity and Belonging = IB; Communicating = C; Exploring and Thinking = ET) 2. Share the outcomes with the larger group. 3. Comment on how Aistear’s priorities compare with those of the Infant Curriculum.
55 A framework and a curriculum … A curriculum framework is … a scaffold or support which helps adults to develop a curriculum for the children in their setting. A curriculum is … [the set of] all the experiences, formal and informal, planned and unplanned in the indoor and outdoor environment, which contribute to children’s learning and development. (Principles and themes, 2009, p.54)
6 Children will be strong psychologically and socially be as healthy and fit as can be be creative and spiritual develop positive outlooks on learning and on life Theme: Well-being
7 Children will develop strong self-identities and feel respected and affirmed as individuals have a sense of group identity where links with their family and community are acknowledged and extended express their rights and respect the identity, rights and views of others see themselves as capable learners Theme: Identity and Belonging
8 Children will develop non-verbal communication skills use language with growing confidence and competence make sense of their experiences through language express themselves creatively and imaginatively Theme: Communicating
9 Children will develop increasingly complex strategies for observing, thinking, exploring, understanding, and problem-solving use symbolic representation learn about and make sense of the world develop a positive image of themselves as learners, and come to see themselves as explorers and thinkers Theme: Exploring and Thinking
Similarities and differences
11 Aistear and the Infant Curriculum Synergy between the two... Aistear builds on, extends and enriches the Infant Curriculum Share many principles of learning and development Prioritise the child’s uniqueness Similarities alongside differences... Principles concerning citizenship, play, adult’s role HOW children are viewed as learners, and HOW learning happens and can be supported in early childhood...
12 The main differences Aistear presents learning and development through connected themes highlights the ‘equal’ importance of the four themes nurtures dispositions – how children approach learning describes a learning and development ‘destination’ for children - focuses on outcomes espouses ‘play’ as a teaching and learning methodology has no suggested timetable – highlights the integrated nature of children’s learning promotes a sharing of ‘power’ between children and the adult highlights professional autonomy for practitioners (See Audit of Aistear and the Primary School Curriculum, NCCA, 2008)
13 And so, the big questions To what extent does/can the Infant Curriculum support junior and senior infant children in developing the dispositions, skills, values and attitudes, and building the knowledge and understanding that Aistear highlights as being critical in the twenty-first century? 2. What are the implications of Aistear for review and revision of the Infant Curriculum as part of the Primary School Curriculum? ?
14 Some starting points for teachers Support for teachers in using different types of play to support children’s learning across the curriculum broadening the range of strategies for interacting with children to extend their learning building a bank of assessment methods, and using assessment to progress learning (AfL) involving parents to a greater extent in their children’s learning
15 Medium to long-term implications A. Responding to the challenge of a lack of time (2005, 2008) Review of literature on curriculum overload Work with schools to represent the curriculum Committee discussions and curriculum conversations Mapping work to curriculum developments at Junior Cycle B. Reviewing the Infant Curriculum Working with teachers and children in infant classrooms Finding out what Aistear means for the Infant Curriculum
Find out more National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) 24 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 W: and