NASA Agency Report Ken McDonald NASA May 2002
Current Operational System EOSDIS –EOSDIS Core System (ECS) is supporting Landsat 7 and TERRA missions and in final preparations for AQUA. –Significant enhancements to capabilities soon to be delivered: ECHO - metadata clearinghouse enabling development of custom clients. Data Pools - readily accessible, online repositories of popular subsets of EOS data. –ECS contract to end in October - EOSDIS Maintenance and Development (EMD) contract to pick up after transition period.
Other ESE Data System Initiatives Initial phase of the Federation Experiment has been completed. –Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) awards have or will soon expire. Type 2 ESIPS (Science Data Providers) have been completed. Type 3 ESIPS (Applications Providers) in final year of award. –Plans for follow-on activities evolving Smaller set of Type 2 awards is planned. Original plan for Type 3 ESIPS was that they would be self-sustaining.
New Program Initiative SEEDS - Strategic Evolution of ESE Data Systems (formerly called NewDISS) –Goal is to formulate an approach for NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise to develop or evolve data and information systems to meet future needs. –Concept envisions a more distributed, heterogeneous collection of data system and service providers with greater community involvement. –Formulation Team has initiated series of study tasks: Levels of service and cost modeling Near-term standards recommendations Standards and interfaces process Reference architecture and reuse Data life-cycle (Long-term archive issues) Accountability and metrics