What is solar energy? “The sun is a very powerful source of energy. Without the sun's heat and light, human life on earth would not be possible.”
What do we use solar power for?
How Does We applie solar Power? “Solar energy can be applied in many ways. Apart from simple forms of solar energy to dry clothes , heat water or buildings or dry agricultural produce , we can also use the power from the sun to produce electrcity for households offices . Besides these direct forms of solar energy, also hydropower, wind and wave power originate from the energy of the sun and are in fact indirect forms of solar energy.”
What we can use with Solar Electricity The energy from the sun can serve many purposes. One of them is to generate electricity. This is what we call solar electricity. Using solar panels, the sunlight is directly converted into electricity. This process is called the photovoltaic effect
The Photovoltaic effect For solar electricity you need a solar panel that consists of one or more solar cells. When sunlight falls onto a solar cell, the solar cell material absorbs some of the light particles. Each photon contains a small amount of energy. When a photon is absorbed it starts a process of freeing an electron in the material of the solar cell. Because both sides of a solar cell are electrically connected with a wire, a current will flow when the photon is absorbed. The solar cell now produces electricity, which can be used instantly or stored in a battery.
Solar electricity Solar electricity can be used in three basic forms: Stand-alone No electricity grid is available or a connection to the grid is not made. Solar panels produce electricity for lighting, TV and radio, water pumping, a refrigerator or tools. Normally, electricity storage is provided by batteries to secure energy supply at night and other times when the solar panels don't produce electricity. Grid-connected In areas where an electricity grid is available, solar panels can be used to produce your own clean electricity by using daylight and roof space Back-up The system is connected to an electricity grid of poor quality. In case of blackouts solar electricity cover the electricity demand.
The principe of Solar electricity 1. light (photons) 4. diversion layer 2. front contact 5. positive layer 3. negative layer 6. back contact
What is Solar Heat. The energy of the sun can serve many purposes What is Solar Heat? The energy of the sun can serve many purposes. One of them is to generate heat. This is what we call solar heat. Using solar collectors the sunlight is directly converted into heat.
The use of solar heat has many advantages The use of solar heat has many advantages. It is a clean, quiet and reliable energy source. Solar heating systems have been used since the 19th century. Nowadays the use of solar heat is widespread. World wide about seven million households presently use Solar Hot Water Systems.
In households connected to a public energy grid (electricity, gas) the use of a Solar Hot Water system can save 50% or more on the energy bill for domestic hot water preparation. In remote areas without a connection to a public energy grid, solar energy is used for heating water for households and hospitals or for drying agricultural products.