Visual jMUD Oscar Chen CS491
Important Note The IMAGES used in this presentation and demonstration of Visual jMUD are COPYRIGHT by their respective holders and are only meant to illustrate an example and should NOT be REDISTRIBUTED or DISPLAYED in any other context.
What is a MUD? A MUD is a Multi User Dungeon –A shared playing environment and experience Most MUDs are text based –Rooms are text based –Action feedback is given to the user as a written description
Why Operate a MUD? Allows administrators to create their own worlds, rule sets Smaller, more tight-knit communities than those found on commercial Massively Multiplayer Online RPGs (MMORPGs)
Visual jMUD’s Purpose Create a Graphical MUD environment –Make it easily accessible for new players Based on Modern standards –Built with Java, Hibernate, MySQL –Easily modifiable with Open Source tools Efficient Use of Bandwidth –MUDs are run by enthusiasts, not corporations
The Visual jMUD Server
Server Technologies Built in Java –Requires Java 1.4+ For New I/O Package (java.nio) Utilizes Hibernate for data retrieval and storage –Requires SQL database with supported JDBC connectivity
Server Flow Process Server events (independent of User action) Receive command from the User Client Process command from User, applying the current Game Rule Set Return the result of the User command and Server events to the Client
Server Classes Rooms, Objects, Players loaded by Hibernate from SQL database Hibernate abstracts SQL tables into Java classes Hibernate transparently handles transactions, queries and data storage
Main Server Thread Process independent Server Events Check for User Input Track User and Object status (health, location, etc.)
Command Processor Executes when a User Command is received Validates User input Determines what the Command targets: Users, Rooms, or Objects Applies the Command to the target
Possible User Interactions Communication with other Users Navigate Virtual World (represented as individual Rooms) Interact with Objects –Attack Monsters –Examine Treasure Chests –Etc. Initial Set of Possible actions will be limited in comparison with a normal MUD, but easily extensible
The Visual jMUD Client
Client Technologies Built in Java –Standalone Application –Java2D for Graphics –Java Web Start for easy Installation and Updates
Client Flow Waits for updates from Server or User Parses Server responses to display visually to the player –Retrieves Images to represent the current Room –Displays Images to represent the current Users and Objects existing in the room Sends User Commands to Server
Client Visualization Flow Receive Necessary information from Server Upon Entry to a New Room –Draw “Background Image” to represent current User Room –Determine Artificial Horizon line to draw Players and Objects upon –Overlay Player and Object Images on the Background against the Artificial Horizon As the Server Updates the Room status –Redraw Players and Objects to reflect the current status of the Room Player movement, Object interaction, changing Room conditions, etc.
Client Structure VJMClient class handles command parsing and processing VisualArea class handles the visual presentation –Draws the scene Consisting of Background, Title, and Players/Objects
Demonstration Server address: Client location: User logins: –Currently five user accounts available. user1:user1 … user5:user5
Thank You Visual jMUD Oscar Chen –CS491 b/Fall_2005/Oscar_Chen b/Fall_2005/Oscar_Chen