CoreGRID Workpackage 5 Virtual Institute on Grid Information and Monitoring Services Authorizing Grid Resource Access and Consumption Erik Elmroth, Michał Jankowski, Norbert Meyer WP rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware Barcelona, June 5-6, 2008
3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, Barcelona, June 5-6, Outline 1.Introduction 2.Authorizing resource access 3.Authorizing resource consumption 4.Existing technologies 5.VUS – SGAS integration 6.Limitations and future extensions 7.Conclusions
3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, Barcelona, June 5-6, Introduction Authorization of grid resource usage include authorization of: –resource access –resource consumption Due to the distributed nature of grids (both on physical and administrative level) the authorization is complex These issues are well addressed on local cluster level In most modern grids at least one of the above tasks is neglected Security (access control) and economy (limiting resource usage) are more and more focused
3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, Barcelona, June 5-6, Authorizing resource access - problems Authentication Fine grained authorization (maximum security for resources with minimum limitations to the users) Effective and scalable user management (delegation of some administrative privileges and work from node administrator to VO) Combined security policies of VO and resource owner Privilege enforcement (mapping global user - certificate to a local virtual environment) Isolation of user tasks Possibility of logging user activities for accounting and audit
3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, Barcelona, June 5-6, Authorizing resource consumption - problems Authorization based on the users ability to pay for the usage: –pre-allocation (quota) – academic environment –real ability to pay – commercial solutions Types of grid economy: –real or virtual money –static or dynamic pricing –price negotiation before running a job or analysis of the fraction of resource utilization during the computation Limiting size of the job (no of processors, memory, time), possibly depending on user privileges
3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, Barcelona, June 5-6, Combining the two types of authorization There is a need for both types of the authorization, often to be used in parallel The authorization patterns may vary significantly depending on use scenario Combinations of small, separate components, designed for use in concert are solutions for different scenarios The components should be implemented in accordance with the fundamentals of Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) in general and the grid eco-system approach in particular
3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, Barcelona, June 5-6, Virtual User System - Motivation Ease management of user accounts in grids –Many virtual organizations with hundreds or even thousands of users –Maintaining personal user accounts is impossible –Grid-mapfile requires too much administration time –static accounts are not appropriate for dynamic VOs Enable fine-grain and flexible authorization –Need for combining security policies of VO and resource owners –Reusing already implemented authorization services and mechanisms Enable accounting and tracking user activities –This is crucial for production grids shared between many institutions –Guest or anonymous accounts are insufficient
3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, Barcelona, June 5-6, Virtual User System - Architecture Computing Site VO Job Submit Service Accounts Pool login: resource usage security logs session Resource Broker Extension of a Job Submit Service The user is authenticated, authorized and then logged on a 'virtual' account The history of user-account mapping is stored, so that accounting and tracking user activities is possible
3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, Barcelona, June 5-6, SweGrid Accounting System Motivation Soft real-time allocation enforcement based on resource usage collected from existing site schedulers (easy integration to existing software, no intrusion to local accounting systems) Coordinated quota management across all clusters. Uniform usage retrieval (GGF Usage Records). Policy negotiation and customization between user, resource manager and allocation authority Use state-of-the-art Web and Grid technologies Fine grained resource control based on the cost of used resources
3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, Barcelona, June 5-6, SweGrid Accounting System Architecture Set of tools (services) for capacity allocation between user groups Coordinates the enforcement of grid-wide usage limits The usage limits are expressed by the Bank account balance VO Resource Broker LUTS €€€€€€ SGAS Bank Computing Site Job Manager JARM LRMS Job Submit Service
3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, Barcelona, June 5-6, Architecture of the Approach VO VOMS Computing Site Job Submit Service Access authorization VUS plugin 1 plugin 2 plugin n … Job Manager JARM LRMS Resource Broker jobs VUS database LUTS €€€€€€ SGAS Bank
3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, Barcelona, June 5-6, Limitations and future extensions Distributed SGAS LUTS for large Grids Hierarchical Virtual Organizations Hierarchical bank accounts Synchronization of the authorization between the broker and the computing site
3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, Barcelona, June 5-6, Conclusions Novel approach to Grid job authorization - combining established technologies : –dynamic assigning grid users virtual user accounts (VUS) –grid-wide accounting and resource allocation enforcement (SGAS) Concerted authorization for resource access and resource consumption The proposed solution leaves the resource owner with ultimate control over the resource The solution is highly flexible and allows for policy customization
3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, Barcelona, June 5-6, Thank You!