Open Science Grid June 28, 2006 Bill Kramer Chair of the Open Science Grid Council NERSC Center General Manager, LBNL
One Minute on OSG The Open Science Grid is a national production-quality grid computing infrastructure for large scale science, built and operated by a consortium of U.S. universities and national laboratories. –The OSG Consortium formed in 2004 to enable diverse communities of scientists to access a common grid infrastructure and shared resources. Groups that choose to join the Consortium contribute effort and resources to the common infrastructure. –Aggressive program to federate many previously disjoint [mostly physics oriented] grid resources –Resource providers and consumers from labs and universities join into a single scalable, engineered, and managed grid. –Expanding the reach of grid capabilities is the corner-stone of ODG and for sustaining grid technologies and infrastructure. OSG is committed to use what was learned from working with the physics community to help new communities establish community based grids and adapt their applications and computing "culture”. Currently 25 Virtual Organizations as Users Currently 23 Resource Providers More information at
Integrating Community, Campus, & National Cyberinfrastructures (CIs) Science Community Infrastructure CS/IT Campus Grids National CyberInfrastructure for Science (e.g. OSG –Teragrid) (e.g GADU, LIGO) (e.g GLOW, FermiGrid)
Critical Topics to a Sustainable Grid Infrastructure. The architecting, construction and implementation of a globally scalable, real-time infrastructure. –Way beyond simple middleware, and –Requires an SOA and profound network as well as end-system awareness, end- to-end monitoring, command and control. –The next round of really-large science projects Will implement such a systems. Otherwise the science goals will not be met. A well defined and scalable management structure –Both technical management and people management A structure with solid fundamental supports (user support, helpdesk, office hours) for a core component A framework where development & ideas can be achieved and new resources could "join" [homogeneous or not ] –Has significant design impact on what is "core“ resources and services A common agreement (user, usage, VO) leading to a common security strategy: –opened and shared resources –an advertised agreement (market place) An authentication structure that is secure, easy for sites (VOs) to administer, and easy for users to use and conforms to government policy
OSG Participating Disciplines Computer Science Condor, Globus, SRM, SRBTest and validate innovations: new services & technologies Physics LIGO, Nuclear Physics, Tevatron, LHC Global Grid: computing & data access Astrophysics Sloan Digital Sky SurveyCoAdd: multiply-scanned objects Spectral fitting analysis Bioinformatics Argonne GADU project Dartmouth Psychological & Brain Sciences BLAST, BLOCKS, gene sequences, etc Functional MRI University campus Resources, portals, apps CCR(U Buffalo) GLOW(U Wisconsin) TACC(Texas Advanced Computing Center) MGRID(U Michigan) UFGRID(U Florida) Crimson Grid(Harvard) FermiGrid(FermiLab Grid)
OSG Grid Partners TeraGrid “DAC2005”: run LHC apps on TeraGrid resources TG Science Portals for other applications Discussions on joint activities: Security, Accounting, Operations, Portals EGEE Joint Operations Workshops, defining mechanisms to exchange support tickets Joint Security working group US middleware federation contributions to core- middleware gLITE Worldwide LHC Computing Grid OSG contributes to LHC global data handling and analysis systems Other partners SURA, GRASE, LONI, TACC Representatives of VOs provide portals and interfaces to their user groups