Biology Information Session Sponsored by BUSAC and the Biology Department November 16, 2005
What is BUSAC? Biology Undergraduate Student Advisory Committee A group of students who want to improve the biology curriculum!
Basics of Biology Curriculum A year by year look at the biology curriculum…
Curriculum: Freshman Year Required Courses: –Intro to Molecular Biology (Bi 8) –Cell Biology (Bi 9) Recommended Courses: –Current Research in Biology (Bi 2) –Cell Biology Lab (Bi 10)
Curriculum: Sophomore Year Required Courses: –Organic Chemistry (Ch 41 abc) –Genetics (Bi 122) Recommended Courses –Genetics: Genetics Lab (Bi 123), Human Genetics and Genomics (Bi 188), Advanced Genetics (Bi 190) –Neuroscience: Comparative Nervous Systems (Bi/CNS 157), Vertebrate Evolution (Bi/CNS 158) –Other: Virology (Bi 115) –Research: Bi 22!
Curriculum: Junior Year Required Courses: –Introduction to Biochemistry (Bi/Ch 110) –Introduction to Neurobiology (Bi/CNS 150) –Developmental Biology (Bi 117) –Biology Writing Requirement (Bi 24)
Curriculum: Junior Year (cont’d) Recommended Courses –Biochemistry: Biochemistry of Gene Expression (Bi/Ch 111), Biochemistry of the Cell (Bi/Ch 113) –Neuroscience: Neuronal Basis of Consciousness (Bi/CNS 120), Molecular Basis of Behavior (Bi 156), Social Neuroscience (SS/Psy/Bi/CNS 140), Advanced Neurobiology Lab (Bi/CNS 161 or 162) –Premed: Anatomy and Physiology (Bi 145ab), Organic Chemistry Lab (Ch 4 or 3b) –Research: Bi 22, Current Bio Research (Bi 251)
Curriculum: Senior Year Required Courses: Bio Major Seminar (Bi 80), Pick 3 Courses, Advanced Bio Units Recommended Courses: –Biochemistry: Biophysics of Macromolecules (Bi 132), Principles of 3-D Protein Structure (Bi 170) –Neuroscience: Behavior of Mammals (Bi/CNS 216), Central Mechanisms in Perception (Bi/CNS 217) –Molecular Biology: Methods in Molecular Genetics Lab (Bi 180) –Research: Bi 22, Current Bio Research (Bi 251)
Advantages of Biology Major You really don’t have to overload! Curriculum is versatile: can follow genetics, biochemistry, neuroscience tracks It prepares you for graduate school and/or medical school Its flexibility allows you to study abroad And there is lots of interesting biology research!
Questions? We welcome suggestions and comments from all of you about the biology major We accept applications for new BUSAC members during third term
Contact Information Feel free to contact any of us! BUSAC Chair –Neha Das Other BUSAC Members –Senior: Ransom Poythress, Corinna Zygourakis –Junior: Kelly Lin, Greg Stachelek –Sophomore: Csilla Felsen, Vickie Pon, and Winston Zhao BUSAC Faculty Adviser –Prof. Marianne Bronner-Fraser