MDA – Model Driven Architecture: An introduction Franco Flore Senior Product Manager
Agenda l Overview l The challenges the MDA addresses l The MDA framework l Developing in the MDA l How OptimalJ maps to the MDA l Conclusion
Overview l The MDA is an initiative developed by OMG l OMG’s focus l Develop standards for creating truly interoperable and integrated computing environment l Productivity l Resulted standards l CORBA l UML l MDA l Compuware is a leader in defining the MDA l Proposal on
The challenges the MDA addresses l Portability l Cross-platform Interoperability l Platform Independence l Domain Specific l Productivity
The MDA framework
Developing in the MDA l PIM l Platform Independent Model(PIM) represents business functionality and behavior without technology details l PSM l Applies a standard mapping to create or generate a Platform Specific Model (PSM) from the PIM Code Model l Create or generate the code for PSM Platform Independent Model Code Model Platform Specific Model
How development maps to the MDA Domain Model Code Model Application Model Transformation Patterns Functional Patterns Implementation Patterns Implementation Patterns Technology Patterns Technology Patterns Domain Patterns Domain Patterns Application Patterns Application Patterns Code Patterns Code Patterns Platform Independent Model Code Model Platform Specific Model MDA Generate
Conclusion The MDA benefits l Integrates l With Legacy applications l With Current implementations l With Future implementations l Flexibility when changing infrastructure l Lengthens application longevity l Reduced cost throughout the application lifecycle l Raises ROI
Additional Information l OMG’s MDA Website l l Whitepapers, presentations, specifications and news l Compuware’s OptimalJ Website l l Whitepapers, news and our involvement with OMG l Franco Flore l l PMHotline l PMHotlinePMHotline l Subject line “Webinar MDA An introduction”