The Social Science Electronic Data Library (SSEDL) IASSIST 2006 University of Michigan J. J. Card and Tamara Kuhn Sociometrics Corporation ext. 211
Overview of Presentation Current State of the Sociometrics Data Archives Contents of collection User-focused design and dissemination Usage report Peering into the Future Ongoing dissemination & outreach strategies Ongoing, user-focused innovation
Contents of Collection ARCHIVESSTUDIESDATASETSVARIABLES AIDS/STD193019,000 Adol Preg ,000 Aging32219,000 Family ,000 Poverty123620,000 Alt. Med.81710,000 Contextual132919,000 Disability194025,000 Mat. Drug7135,000
User-Focused Design and Dissemination Data selection procedures Data preparation innovations Data dissemination files and formats Data retrieval capabilities Multi-level data packaging Outreach and technical assistance
Data Selection: Quality Data All studies/datasets selected by Scientist Expert Panels Selection criteria Technical quality Substantive utility Policy relevance Potential for secondary data analysis
Data Preparation: Indexing at the Variable Level Each of the over 200,000 variables in the collection is indexed or categorized by: Topic Type Topic and type codes are embedded in the SPSS and SAS variable names
Data Dissemination: Files and Formats Standard eight data and documentation files File 1: Raw data file File 2: SPSS program statements File 3: SAS program statements File 4: SPSS data dictionary File 5: SPSS frequencies File 6: SPSS portable file File 7: SAS transport file File 8: User’s guide Formats Then (mainframe tape; diskette) Now (CD-ROM; 24/7 web download)
Data Retrieval: Web-based Search & Retrieval At the study level By keyword At the level of the individual variable By keyword By topic and type
Multi-Level Data Packaging to Suit User Needs Individual study/dataset Topically-focused data archive Complete SSEDL
Outreach and Technical Assistance Free technical assistance for data customers Journal articles, conference presentations Partnerships with larger organizations
Usage Report Internet Usage Visits to Sociometrics website 136,598145,237175,984182,528253,636 Hits to all data archive pages 42,00370,02286,770101,819210,494 Downloads of data and data-related products 10,70416,32529,72934,95439,672 Number of Units Ordered (non-subscribers) Number of Purchasers (non-subscribers)
Forthcoming Additions to Content We are currently investigating feasibility of establishing new data archives on: Children’s emotional problems (NIMH) Welfare reform (NICHD) Deafness and other communication disorders (NIDCD)
Forthcoming Outreach to New Academic Target Audiences Traditional main audience: sociologists and other social scientists We will be mailing big brochure to Chairs of other schools and departments as well Public health Social work School of medicine School of nursing
Forthcoming User-Focused Innovations View all variables in an archive by topic and type distribution Integrated topic/type definitions Each entry in the matrix links to a list of corresponding variables Variable entries include: Variable label Value labels Link to study information Example from the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Data Archive
For more information or to communicate helpful suggestions ext. 211 THANK YOU!