Pavel Oblozinsky NSDD’07, St. Petersburg June 11-15, 2007 NNDC Report to NSDD’2007 Pavel Oblozinsky National Nuclear Data Center Brookhaven National Laboratory Brookhaven Science Associates
Pavel Oblozinsky NSDD’07, St. Petersburg June 11-15, ENSDF Evaluation Activity NNDC Responsibility: 113 mass chains Manpower status: 3.40 FTE (NNDC staff + Browne, Nica, Reich) Evaluated/published since June 2005: mass chains No.Mass No of nuclides Author(s)Status 14512BurrowsPre-review 24712BurrowsPublished 34813BurrowsPublished 467*13Huo, Huang, TuliPublished 588*14Sonzogni, MukherjeePublished 694*14Abriola, SonzogniPublished Browne, TuliIn review NicaFinal HelmerPublished
Pavel Oblozinsky NSDD’07, St. Petersburg June 11-15, ENSDF Evaluation Activity, continued No.Mass No of nuclides Author(s)Status ReichPublished ReichPost-Review 12221*13Jain, Kumar, TuliPublished BrownePublished 14233*9Singh, TuliPublished Browne, TuliPublished Browne, TuliPublished 17251*7Jain, Singh, TuliPublished NicaPublished 19253*7Jain, Singh, TuliPublished 20254*13Bhagwat,Thompon,TuliPublished *64Gupta, BurrowsPublished
Pavel Oblozinsky NSDD’07, St. Petersburg June 11-15, Other Activities Directly Related to ENSDF ENSDF Evaluation Reviews: 19 mass chains reviewed Tuli 9, Burrows 2, Sonzogni 2, Winchell 1; Browne 1, Reich 4 ENSDF Evaluation Processing On average ~ 22 mass chains in production pipeline Nuclear Data Sheets published regularly, no more recent references ENSDF Maintenance: 3,016 nuclides (June 1, 2007) Updated continuously, distributed twice per year ENSDF Analysis & Checking Codes ( more details J. Tuli) Maintained and improved, remaining codes converted to Fortran 95 BrIcc-2.0 released (with Kibedi et al) ENSDF Training and Mentoring Burrows mentors Ninel Nica (Texas AMU) Sonzogni mentors and collaborates with Abriola (now IAEA, A=94) Visitors to NNDC: Gupta in 2005 (A= , Burrows), Basu in 2006 (A=150, Sonzogni)
Pavel Oblozinsky NSDD’07, St. Petersburg June 11-15, Nuclear Wallet Cards and NuDat Nuclear Wallet Cards 7 th edition, 10,000 copies produced in June 2005 ~6,000 copies distributed so far, continues to be very popular product NuDat By far the most successful database if measured by web retrievals NuDat-2.2 and NuDat-2.3 developed over the last 2 years Responsible for ~60% of retrievals from the NNDC web serves, in absolute terms retrievals increased by almost factor of 3 since new service introduced in April 2004 More details A. Sonzogni
Pavel Oblozinsky NSDD’07, St. Petersburg June 11-15, Nuclear Science References Status 8,581 references added during June 2005 – May 2007 Responsible for keywording of 3 European journals (NPA, PLB, EPJA) is Mark Kellet, IAEA, since September 2005 Several changes and improvements in the database and web More details J. Tuli New Database Manager Dave Winchell left after ~10 years of dedicated service Manojeet Bhattacharya, PhD from Notre Dame in 1999, formerly at NASA, in charge of NSR since June 1, 2007, after 6-weeks overlap with Dave
Pavel Oblozinsky NSDD’07, St. Petersburg June 11-15, Computer System and Web Service Computer system No major changes, focus on reliability and cyber-security Second web server, software upgrade (Linux, DBMS), more storage capacity Major upgrade expected in 2009) Web service Continuous improvements (NuDat, NSR, Logft, …) Several new products (Chart of Nuclides, Qcalc, … In 2006 major milestone reached: 1 Million retrievals