ACCESS: An Agent Architecture for Ubiquitous Service Delivery Agents Channelling ContExt Sensitive Services C. Muldoon, G.M.P. O’Hare, D. Phelan, R. Strahan, R.W. Collier
Outline of Presentation Motivations Related Research Architecture –Agent Factory –ACCESS Management Agents –Service Provider Contract ACCESS Compliant Services –Bus Catcher Conclusions
Motivations Context sensitive services are generally developed in an ad-hoc once off fashion. Many systems share a common core of functionality Need for an open architecture that realises this common core Such an architecture will facilitate the rapid prototyping of context sensitive services
Related Research Agents2Go – University of Maryland (Ratsimore et al, 2001) Agora – HP Research Lab (Fonseca et al, 1999) Impulse – MIT Media Lab (Youll et al, 2000) MB Framework – Monash University (Mihailescu et al, 2001) EasiShop - University College Dublin (UCD) (Keegan and O’Hare, 2002)
Related Research System Name Agent SystemMigrationAutonomyPersonalisation of Content Multiple Use Context Sensitive Agents2Go AgoraZeus ImpulseHive MB Framework Aglets/KVM EasiShopAgent Factory ACCESSAgent Factory
ACCESS Objectives ACCESS seeks to provide: –an open extensible architecture for the rapid prototyping and deployment of context sensitive services –strong support for generic profiling –enable the intelligent prediction of user service needs –support for a scalable multi-user environment
ACCESS Technologies Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) –HP iPAQ H5450 –Bluetooth Enabled Localisation Technology including Global Positioning Systems (GPS) – Navman GPS receiver Communication over Wireless Networks – Nokia 6310 Mobile phone / Bluetooth Enabled
ACCESS Architecture Agent Factory Run-Time Environment Agent Factory Development Environment Development Deployment
Agent Factory is… a cohesive framework that supports a structured approach to the development and deployment of multi-agent systems. Based upon the purpose-built Agent Factory Agent Programming Language (AF-APL) This is realised through a four-layer framework…
A Layered Framework AF-APL is augmented with: AF-APL –Run-Time Environment –Development Environment –Development Methodology
AF-APL AF-APL is a declarative language –Designed to simplify the implementation of complex agent behaviours Underpinned by a formal agent theory –Founded upon an analysis of how agents commit to actions –Formalised as a multi-modal temporal logic Specifically, Agent Factory agents employ: –Beliefs –Commitments –Commitment Rules
The Run-time Environment Distributed using TCP-IP to support deployment of multi-agent systems over the Internet / Intranet Supports migration of agents between disparate nodes within the environment Delivers infrastructure support through a set of framework services (i.e. agent management, resource management, security)
The Development Environment Delivers a comprehensive toolkit that supports the development of agents using AF-APL Extends the AF Run-Time Environment (RTE) to deliver support for the testing of agent programs
The Development Methodology Supports a structured approach to the development of agents using the Agent Factory Development Environment Outlines deliverables expected during the fabrication of multi- agent systems
ACCESS Architecture Agent Factory Run-Time Environment ACCESS Management Agents Agent Factory Development Environment ACCESS Toolbox Development Deployment
ACCESS Management Agents Built using the pre-existing Agent Factory framework Provide the generic reusable functionality of the system Support the application specific ACCESS-compliant services
ACCESS Management Agents Agent Platform The ACCESS Client Agent Platform The ACCESS Gateway Functional Areas: –Context Management –User Profiling –Content Delivery –Location Sensing –Map Generation –Service Brokerage
User Profiling Explicit and Implicit Profiling –Explicit: Gender, Age etc. –Implicit: Services used, Locations visited etc. Agent Platform The ACCESS Client Agent Platform The ACCESS Gateway
Context Management Hotspot –Space –Time User tracking Hotspot triggering Agent Platform The ACCESS Client Agent Platform The ACCESS Gateway
Content Delivery Manages ACCESS Viewer –Monitors user activity –Controls display of service panels –Customises content to the device Agent Platform The ACCESS Client Agent Platform The ACCESS Gateway
Location Sensing Monitors users position through GPS Sends periodic updates to Context Agent –After a specified time interval –After user moves by a specified distance Agent Platform The ACCESS Client Agent Platform The ACCESS Gateway
Map Generation Dynamic Map Generation Geographically Bound Content Overlay Generic Map View Panel Agent Platform The ACCESS Client Agent Platform The ACCESS Gateway
Service Brokerage Provides push advertisement of services Interrogates profiling agent to personalise the service list Filters service list based on users position Agent Platform The ACCESS Client Agent Platform The ACCESS Gateway
ACCESS Architecture Agent Factory Run-Time Environment ACCESS Management Agents Agent Factory Development Environment ACCESS Toolbox Development Deployment
Service Provider Contract Built on top of the ACCESS Management Layer Describes minimum requirements for ACCESS compliance Prefabricated roles
Contract Roles Service Manager Role –Registers Service with ACCESS –Delegates to Service Deliver Agent –Advertises Service Service Delivery Role –Performs task on behalf of the user within the service –Responsible for delivering service specific content to the DACDA
Bus Catcher Service ACCESS Compliant Service Real time timetable information Plots user and bus locations Fare calculation Display of major tourist attractions
Motivations for Bus Catcher Timetables are static Buses frequently delayed User is left waiting in bad weather Or misses the bus by seconds Source of dynamic information needed
Bus Catcher Architecture Service Resources
Bus Catcher Contract Agents Bus Catcher Service Manager –Registers Service with ACCESS Architecture –Delegates each user to a Service Delivery Agent Bus Catcher Service Delivery Agent –Responsible for communicating with DACDA –Collaborates with other Bus Catcher Service Agents –Represents the user in the Service
Bus Catcher Architecture Resources Service
Bus Catcher Screenshots
Conclusions What did we do? –Developed a generic architecture for context sensitive services Why did we do it? –To enable the rapid prototyping of such services How did we do it? –Agent Factory + ACCESS Management Agents + Service Provider Contract
And Finally More details may found at Agent Factory may be downloaded from