How to Rock Out Interviews P14: Interview Skills
The Target I can conduct a good interview. I can plan to conduct a good interview. I can explain the principles of a good interview.
Methods to Get Information Observe often [and take notes]! Interview a knowledgeable source.
Steps to a Good Interview Plan! Identify good sources. Know basic information. Scores, statistics. Who, what, when, where. Make an appointment. Give time frame. Go to the source.
Steps to a Good Interview [Still] Plan[ning]! 4. Write questions. Start with easy questions (leading questions). “Just to verify, you are the captain/coach/president…” “Am I right that the score was 21 to 0?” Build to open-ended questions. Why…? How…? Use more open-ended questions than leading questions.
Steps to a Good Interview Good open-ended question starters: Tell me about… What was going through your mind when…? Tell me, moment-by-moment, exactly what happened. What was the first thing that came to your mind when…? What did you see/hear/touch? How did it look/sound/feel? Looking back, how would you sum it up? What does __________ mean to you now?
Steps to a Good Interview Make the source comfortable. Greet them and shake hands (if an adult/unknown). Focus! No cell phones. No gum.
Steps to a Good Interview 2. [Still] Interview[ing] Control the tempo. It’s okay to ask the source to slow down. Ask for elaboration. “Tell me more about…” “Why do you say that?” Allow for wait time. Take notes! Key facts and good quotes. Observed details such as smiles, frowns, and other emotional indicators.
Steps to a Good Interview 3. Wrap up the interview. Thank your source. Ask, “Is it okay to contact you with further questions?” Check your facts and name spelling immediately after.