Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop Bill Proenza Regional Director National Weather Service Southern Region Tallahassee March 9, 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop Bill Proenza Regional Director National Weather Service Southern Region Tallahassee March 9, 2004

NWS Southern Region Department of Commerce (NOAA/NWS) and Climate Services “Decision makers need a reliable structure and process for receiving accurate, timely, relevant climate information to guide them in managing resources to maximize the benefits and minimize the impacts of climate variations”. “Decision makers need a reliable structure and process for receiving accurate, timely, relevant climate information to guide them in managing resources to maximize the benefits and minimize the impacts of climate variations”. -- Strategic Plan for

NWS Southern Region National Weather Service: a key climate service partner strategically positioned to provide operational climate services nationwide.

NWS Southern Region NWS FIELD OFFICES NWS FIELD OFFICES The Key in Mission Delivery and Partner Support

NWS Southern Region USA: USA: World’s Most Active Weather!

NWS Southern Region WFO Information Flow Local Weather Forecast Offices & Regional Operations Center Satellite and Buoy Data Radar Data NCEP Guidance National CPC Products Upper Air & Surface Obs. Customer Base RFC Guidance Regional Web Farms CWSU Storm Spotters Co-Op Observers Local Modeling Mesonet Data

NWS Southern Region The NWS Has An Extensive 24x7 Constituency Community Officials and Leaders Community Officials and Leaders State/Local Emergency Managers State/Local Emergency Managers Local and National Electronic and Printed Media Local and National Electronic and Printed Media Local and State Government Agencies Local and State Government Agencies Federal Agencies (e.g. FEMA, FAA, NASA, DOD, etc.) and Congressional Representatives Federal Agencies (e.g. FEMA, FAA, NASA, DOD, etc.) and Congressional Representatives The American Public The American Public

NWS Southern Region 32 Southern Region WFOs Each with a Climate Service Focal Point Each with a Climate Service Focal Point Each with a Data Collection Team Each with a Data Collection Team Data stewards for 2635 Co-Op sites 24x7 Data stewards for 2635 Co-Op sites 24x7 Oversee 213 ASOS sites Oversee 213 ASOS sites Produce and disseminate daily climate products Produce and disseminate daily climate products Maintain local climate webpages Maintain local climate webpages

NWS Southern Region Benefits of NWS Field Office Climate Services Delivery Efficient, existing 24x7 monitoring and dissemination Efficient, existing 24x7 monitoring and dissemination Local area expertise Local area expertise Knowledge of local customers needs Knowledge of local customers needs Rapport and Outreach with key decision makers Rapport and Outreach with key decision makers Active partnerships with State Climatologists, Regional Climate Centers, Universities, etc. Active partnerships with State Climatologists, Regional Climate Centers, Universities, etc.

NWS Southern Region WFOs will serve as local experts to localize and refine national CPC products

NWS Southern Region Experimental Tulsa, OK Mean Temperature Outlook for MAM 2004 Locally Developed Products – WFO TSA Long Range Site Specific Outlook

NWS Southern Region Some Regional/local WFO initiatives 12/97: WFO MLB MIC and SR Director brief Florida Emergency Management community and media on the likelihood of more severe convective storms, etc. based on strengthening El Nino episode. 2/98: The most significant tornado outbreak in Florida history took place across central Florida. The timely briefing and increased awareness are cited as reasons for the Gold Medal awarded to WFO MLB in 1998.

NWS Southern Region Regional/Local WFO Initiatives 3/99: SRH joins the Texas State Drought Response and Monitoring Committee as a fully-functioning member. Summer 1999: SR Director joins, then Governor, George W. Bush in a press briefing on drought. 7/00: Southern Region reorganizes and establishes the Climate, Water, and Weather Division 10/02: The Southern Region, led by WFO MLB MIC conducts two workshops for all Florida Emergency Managers at the state EOC on the impact of the moderate 2002 El Nino. 1/03: A dedicated Climate Service Program Manager position is added in SRH to oversee SR climate services team and program.

NWS Southern Region The El Nino resulted in US Economic Impact of $25 Billion

NWS Southern Region Locally Developed Products – WFO MLB Experimental Dry Season Precip Forecast

NWS Southern Region Your Local WFO Internet Site Disseminates Climate 24x7 Serves as a one-stop source of weather and climate information. Serves as a one-stop source of weather and climate information. Developed with the both - partners and general users - in mind Developed with the both - partners and general users - in mind  Easy navigation  Data given in the manner you need it. Increases public visibility of NWS services and accessibility to NWS services Increases public visibility of NWS services and accessibility to NWS services

NWS Southern Region NWS SR Internet Site Forecasts obtained by either postal zip code, city/state search, or by point and click maps Forecasts obtained by either postal zip code, city/state search, or by point and click maps Weather Information in clear, concise format Weather Information in clear, concise format Emphasizes local weather expertise Emphasizes local weather expertise

NWS Southern Region NWS Internet Pinpoint Forecasts and Climate Services Quick Forecast Information Current Weather Conditions Latest Weather Advisories Radar and Satellite Quick Forecast Text Local Climate Services

NWS Southern Region “…government closest to the people, governs best.” - President George W. Bush The National Weather Service performance epitomizes this concept of local services: Government closest to the people, serves best

NWS Southern Region (817) Would you like copies of the slides? Go To: At Left Margin Click on: Welcome from the Director At Left Margin Click on: “ Climate Workshop ”