03/06/2015 Presentation for the Interview Board for Nomination of TF Leaders/Deputies for C20-C25 1 Presentation to EFDA Interview Board by Patrick Blanchard from The Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Lausanne, Switzerland Candidate for Task Force D Leader/Deputy
03/06/2015 Presentation for the Interview Board for Nomination of TF Leaders/Deputies for C20-C25 2 Outline of the presentation My profile Importance of the diagnostics Task Force D’s tasks and goals
03/06/2015 Presentation for the Interview Board for Nomination of TF Leaders/Deputies for C20-C25 3 The candidate’s profile Dr Patrick Blanchard Swiss, working at CRPP, Lausanne 1997 Graduated from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne My main professional experience: : PhD at CRPP Complete design and successful implementation of the first ECE system (heterodyne radiometer) in our Tokamak environment. HFS lines of sights T e and T rad measurements Very important for X2 ECCD and X3 ECH Diagnostic coordinator for TCV operation Assistantship on two plasma physics experiments: a linear device and a plasma gun
03/06/2015 Presentation for the Interview Board for Nomination of TF Leaders/Deputies for C20-C25 4 The candidate’s profile (II) : JOC (through CEA) position at JET Responsible officer for a key ECE diagnostic (Michelson) in Dr M.Walsh (prev. C.Gowers) group. Maintenance (hardware, software) Calibration Improvement of signal processing Responsible to prepare for the first time a fully remote in-vessel calibration of the JET ECE diagnostics Absolute spectral response for all the ECE JET systems To get reliable ECE temperature (kk3) To get full ECE spectrum Organizational aspects: Remote handling group, drawing office, workshops … Risk assessment (potential hazard, Be contamination) Work procedure Time schedule
03/06/2015 Presentation for the Interview Board for Nomination of TF Leaders/Deputies for C20-C25 5 The candidate ‘s profile (III) 2005-now: scientific staff member at CRPP Project manager of a new FIR polarimeter diagnostic B //, j(r) measurements Responsible for the whole design (optics, detection and control system, technical tests) Collaboration with technical services: drawing office, electronical & mechanical workshops… Implementation in TCV environment Strong involvement in the supervision of a PhD student on this diagnostic Operator (pilot) for the TCV tokamak Deputy mission leader for the research linked to ECH and ECCD on TCV Belongs to the supervisory board of a family company => Candidacy for TFD
03/06/2015 Presentation for the Interview Board for Nomination of TF Leaders/Deputies for C20-C25 6 On the importance of diagnostics Diagnostics are essential for JET operation Stability (magnetics), plasma position and shape control, density control, … Heating program (Thermocouples, video (hot spots deposition), bolometry (plasma radiation)…) Real time control … Diagnostics are essential for other Task Forces and for physicists in measuring as many parameters as possible providing the best time and spatial resolutions providing raw and processed data with quality validation by RO being adjustable/upgraded for specific scientific programs: -Edge physics, DT campaigns, advanced scenarii, divertor physics, The high quality and diversity of the diagnostic set on JET & the fact that JET is the most advanced Tokamak on the road to ITER, makes TFD very unique and important
03/06/2015 Presentation for the Interview Board for Nomination of TF Leaders/Deputies for C20-C25 7 Task Force D tasks To continue satisfying these needs Task Force D has to: INFORM Ease/promote the access to diagnostic information to let people clearly and easily know the potential and limitations of all diagnostics Encourage seminars in TFD meeting and outside JET for both new and existing systems Encourage publication and survey the author list Provide good quality diagnostic coordinator training to optimize JET operation Promote JET diagnostics and results ENCOURAGE MAINTENANCE Promote and ensure good diagnostic maintenance on both short and long term (tracability) Ensure high quality data production, storage and validation
03/06/2015 Presentation for the Interview Board for Nomination of TF Leaders/Deputies for C20-C25 8 Task Force D tasks (II) EXPERIMENTAL CAMPAIGNS For each JET restart, plan for diagnostic restart/commissioning (calibration, alignment …) Satisfy diagnostic needs during the campaigns in term of JET operation with both dedicated/parasitic experiments Promote a bi-directional constructive dialog/coordination between TFs TFD the operator Support the TF/JET program in term of diagnostics needs Ensure the TFD program plan/needs with determination and flexibility UPGRADE, DEVELOPMENT, ENHANCEMENT Estimate and organize diagnostic upgrade as required by the scientific program Encourage associations to continue developing/upgrading diagnostics for JET Encourage the use of JET as the best test bed for the diagnostic development for ITER Identify requirements for probable mid-long term physics program
03/06/2015 Presentation for the Interview Board for Nomination of TF Leaders/Deputies for C20-C25 9 Future With JET exciting experimental future consisting of current shutdown ITER-Like ICRH antenna installation JET-EP diagnostics fully implemented and current diagnostic upgrades being performed JET-EP2 diagnostics being procured and installed future changes in the JET first wall/divertor … TFD will play a key role and will be a key partner for other Task Forces in the scientific process to elaborate experimental plans to data analysis and to publications