Peter F. Schmid THE PERSON IN THE PERSON-CENTRED APPROACH Being-with and being-counter in the therapeutic relationship Sheffield, 7-8 April 2006
The distinguishing characteristics of a person-centered approach The distinguishing characteristics of a person-centered approach 1. As persons client & therapist spring from a fundamental ‘We’ 2. The client is the expert 3. The therapist is present 4. Therapy is dialogue
PERSONanthropology ENCOUNTERepistemology PRESENCEethics DIALOGUEtherapy theory & practice
PERSON person-centred anthropology the pc image of the human being The human being is both autonomous & interdependent Client & therapist spring from a fundamental ‚We‘
The distinguishing characteristics of a person-centered approach The distinguishing characteristics of a person-centered approach 1. As persons client & therapist spring from a fundamental ‘We’ 2. The client is the expert 3. The therapist is present 4. Therapy is dialogue
PERSONanthropology ENCOUNTERepistemology
ENCOUNTER person-centred epistemology the pc way of understanding To encounter means to be touched by the disclosure of the Other (constituting a Thou-I-relationship) The client is the expert
The distinguishing characteristics of a person-centered approach 1. As persons client & therapist spring from a fundamental ‘We’ 2. The client is the expert 3. The therapist is present 4. Therapy is dialogue
PERSONanthropology ENCOUNTERepistemology PRESENCEethics
PRESENCE person-centred ethics the pc way of being and acting To be present means to kairologicaly co-create out of (mutual) encounter (fully living the core conditions) The therapist is present (i.e. he/she is co-experiencing & co-responding with/to the client)
The distinguishing characteristics of a person-centered approach The distinguishing characteristics of a person-centered approach 1. As persons client & therapist spring from a fundamental ‘We’ 2. The client is the expert 3. The therapist is present 4. Therapy is dialogue
PERSONanthropology ENCOUNTERepistemology PRESENCEethics DIALOGUEtherapy theory & practice
DIALOGUE person-centred therapy theory the pc way of doing psychotherapy/counselling Dialogue means being-with and being- counter Person-centred therapy is dialogic therapy
The distinguishing characteristics of a person-centered approach The distinguishing characteristics of a person-centered approach 1. As persons client & therapist spring from a fundamental ‘We’ 2. The client is the expert 3. The therapist is present 4. Therapy is dialogue
The crucial & unique point of PCT is The crucial & unique point of PCT is the image of the human being – seeing the human as a person i.e. taking the ‘expert’s’ actualizing tendency serious (and not push or ‘make’ or guide or know) & the understanding of relationship – encounter person to person i.e. proceeding from the unavoidable We and responding to the client’s call
The crucial & unique point of PCT is The crucial & unique point of PCT is in anthropological language: person instead of patient/client (i.e. resources instead of problems) in dialogical language: Thou-I out of We instead of I-Thou in phenomenological language: being open to what is revealed instead of observing in epistemological language: offering acknowledgment instead of gaining knowledge resources instead of problems, the ability to growth instead of disorder in the language of a theory of ‘disorders’: resources instead of problems, the ability to growth instead of disorder in the language of theory of relationship: encountering instead of making a relationship in existential language: being touched and present instead of seeking purposefully, finding out (‘in order to’) in technical language: listening & being facilitative instead of guiding, steering or giving process advice in ethical language: responding to a call instead of advising and moralizing in didactical language: ‘Aus-Bildung’ (‘e-ducation’) instead of training
The distinguishing characteristics of a person-centered approach (the paradigm change) The distinguishing characteristics of a person-centered approach (the paradigm change) 1. As persons client & therapist spring from a fundamental ‘We’ 2. The client is the expert 3. The therapist is present 4. Therapy is dialogue
Paradigmatic challenges Some perspectives for the future of the PCA DDDDelve into sex and gender specific issues RRRRe-evaluation of group therapy DDDDevelop a theory of community IIIInclude creative ways, particularly play and art IIIInclude corporality and body work (unspectacularly) RRRRe-evaluate aggression CCCCreativity instead of classification of ‘dis-orders’ MMMMore self-confidence instead of eclecticism SSSSelf-presentation in the public and p.r. CCCCo-operation (e.g. the World Association)
‘I am willing to stand by valuing the person above anything else.’ Carl R. Rogers
more on The Person-Centered Website by Peter F. Schmid Die personzentrierte Site Le site centré sur la personne De Persoonsgerichte Site Site da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa Página Web Centrada en la Persona