International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.1 Adam Smith (1723–1790)
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.2 A country’s balance of payments
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.3 Current account balance, selected countries, (% of GDP)
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.4 The Louisiana Territory relative to the present continental USA
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.5 Capital mobility is welfare enhancing
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.6 GDP per capita and services employment; 82 countries, 2003
International Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy, Ch. 2; Charles van Marrewijk, Figure 2.7 GDP per capita and agricultural employment; 82 countries, 2003