Year IYear IIYear IIIYear IV Foundations of Medicine and Health (20 months, including vacation) BASIC SCIENCES PHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS COMMUNICATION SKILLS COMMUNITY PATIENT CARE PRECEPTORSHIP (CPCP) Core Clinical Rotations IQ+ Program (48 weeks, flexible scheduling) Research & Scholarship (16 week block + electives, flexible scheduling) Advanced Clinical and Scientific Studies Areas of Concentration Electives (10 months, flexible scheduling) Western Reserve2 Curriculum
Reflection, Integration & Assessment July Year 1 March Year 2 Homeostasis (14 wk) Host Defense and Host Response (14 wk) Cognition, Sensation, and Movement (14 wk) Food to Fuel (11 wk) (Host Defense, Microbiology, Blood, Skin, Auto-immune) (Endo, Repro, Development, Genetics, Mol Biol, Cancer Biology) (GI, Nutrition, Energy, Metabolism, Biochemistry) (Neuro, Mind Musculoskeletal, Cellular Neurophysiology (CV, Pulm, Renal, Cell Regulation, Pharmacology, Cell physiology) The Human Blueprint (11 wk) Reflection, Integration & Assessment 1 Week Clinical Immersion (Medical Error, Public Health, Inequities, Bioethics, Professionalis m Epi/Biostats) Becoming a Doctor (5 wk) Reflection, Integration & Assessment Structure (Anatomy, Histo-Path, Radiology) Foundations of Clinical Medicine WR2 Foundations of Medicine and Health CWRU School of Medicine University Track Basic Science Curriculum
University Track Years 1 and 2 - Typical Week MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8-10 AM Case Inquiry (IQ) Groups FCM Seminars Case Inquiry (IQ) Groups Self- directed Learning Case Inquiry (IQ) Groups PM Lectures, Medium Groups Structure: Anatomy/ Histopath/ Radiology Lectures, Medium Groups Lectures, Medium Groups 12-1 PM 1-5 PM Clinical Skills Preceptorships Self- directed Learning
Core Clinical Experiences: Basic Core Clinical Rotations BASIC CORE I Medicine and Surgery IQ+ (16 weeks at one of 3 teaching sites) BASIC CORE II Family Medicine, Pediatrics, OB/GYN IQ+ (16 weeks at one of 3 teaching sites) BASIC CORE III Neuroscience, Psychiatry IQ+ (8 weeks at one of 3 Teaching Sites)
Core Clinical Experiences: Advanced Core Clinical Rotations and AIs UNDIFFERENTIATED PATIENT CARE (4 weeks at one of 3 teaching sites, flexible scheduling) AGING AND SOCIETY (4 weeks at one of 3 teaching sites, flexible scheduling) ACTING INTERNSHIPS 1 in Medicine, Surgery or Pediatrics 1 in Field of Choice (1 of the 2 AIs must be in Cleveland at one of 3 teaching sites)