Computer Science CS 330: Algorithms Priority Queues Gene Itkis
Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2008Gene Itkis2 Priority Queue (PQ) Definition (access methods) Insert(x) Inserts element x into the PQ RemoveMin() y Returns the smallest element y in PQ (from all inserted and not yet removed) Empty() Returns TRUE if PQ is empty, FALSE otherwise Optional BuildPQ(List_of_Elements) PQ Returns PQ containing all elements in List_of_Elements Merge(PQ 1,PQ 2 ) PQ Returns PQ which contains all the elements of PQ 1 and PQ 2 MultiMerge(List_of_PQs) PQ Takes a list of PQs and merges all of them, i.e. returns PQ containing all the elements in all the PQs in the List_of_PQs
Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2008Gene Itkis3 PQ Examples Sequence for PQ: Insert(5); Insert(8), Insert(3), Insert(6) RemoveMin() 3 PQ now contains 5,8,6 Sequence for PQ’: Insert(9); Insert(3), Insert(4), Insert(1) Merge(PQ, PQ’) PQ’’ PQ’’ contains 5,8,6,9,3,4,1
Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2008Gene Itkis4 PQ Sort PQSort(L) BuildPQ BuildPQ (L) Empty RemoveMin while not PQ. Empty () do return PQ. RemoveMin ()
Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2008Gene Itkis5 PQ implementations d-Heaps “Almost balanced” tree each node has at most d children usually, d=2 Costs: O(lg n) - Insert, RemoveMin O(n) - BuildHeap Leftist Heaps [Tarjan] Not balanced binary trees Costs: Merge O(lg n) - Insert, RemoveMin, Merge O(n) - BuildHeap
Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2008Gene Itkis6 Heap properties 1.Heap order: Parent is always smaller than its child Therefore, root contains MIN element 2.Heap shape: 2-heaps: All leaves at “almost the same depth” All leaves are at depth h or h-1; Depth h leaves are to the left of the depth h-1 leaves Leftist heaps: “The path from any node to the closest descendent leaf is by following the right child” Rank(v)= distance to the closest descendent leaf Leftist heap: for any node Rank(left child) ≥ Rank(right child) h=? lg n
Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2008Gene Itkis7 2-Heap (see textbook and web for pseudo-code) Insert(x) 1.Heap shape: initial position 2.Heap order: bubble towards the root O(lg n) Cost: max 1compare(&swap) / level: O(lg n) RemoveMin() 1.Heap shape: where to delete 2.Heap order: bubble down Choose smaller of the children (to preserve heap order with the other child) O(lg n) Cost: max 2compares(&swaps) / level: O(lg n) x y z y
Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2008Gene Itkis8 2-Heap BuildHeap Read in the textbook (ours and/or cs112)!!! Merge, MultiMerge Not available Can implement (e.g. removing elements from one and inserting them to the other) – but not efficiently
Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2008Gene Itkis9 Leftist heaps 1.Heap order: Parent is always smaller than its child 2.Heap shape: Rank(v)= distance to the closest descendent leaf Leftist heap: for any node Rank(left child) ≥ Rank(right child) Technical “trick”: Make all leaves =dummy Then every non-leaf has exactly 2 children
Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2008Gene Itkis10 Leftist heaps: example a h g b c j : Dummy nodes 0: Ranks : right path (always shortest path down to a leaf) i 0 1 d 0 2 f 0 1 right path length ≤ lg n
Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2008Gene Itkis11 Leftist heaps: operations Basic operation: Merge PQ.Insert(x): Merge(PQ, x) PQ.RemoveMin(): min PQ.root() PQ Merge(PQ.Left, PQ.Right) Return min Costs: Same as 1 Merge +O(1) x + z L R +
Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2008Gene Itkis12 Leftist heaps: Merge Heaps ~ sorted linked lists (with stuff hanging off the list nodes) 1.Merge sorted linked lists Lists are lg n long So Merge takes O(lg n) steps 2.Fix ranks If ranks are in the wrong order Then swap the subtrees Only the nodes on the merged path could be affected So, this too takes O(lg n) steps + x y 5 z 7
Computer Science CS-330: Algorithms, Fall 2008Gene Itkis13 Summary Both leftist and 2-heaps O(lg n) worst case Insert(x), RemoveMin(): O(lg n) worst case But leftist heaps also support: O(lg n) worst case Merge: O(lg n) worst case Your assignment: O(n) Figure out O(n) MultiMerge (and BuildHeap) for both types: leftist and 2-heaps! Use textbook, optional textbook (in library), course web Heaps + PQ-Sort Heapsort One of the best sorting algorithms with O(n lg n) worst case bound Assuming a good implementation of heaps, and use of BuildHeap