Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation1 Omkaram (Om) Nalamasu Vice President for Research Office of Research – Faculty Senate Presentation February 22, 2006
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation2Outline l A Snapshot of Research at Rensselaer l Research Portfolio Analysis l Opportunities and Challenges l Office of Research Services l Summary
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation3 Strategic Research Areas l Biotechnology –$100 M New Building, 9 New Hires in Biology –Bioinformatics, Tissue Engineering, Systems Biology, Biocatalysis Constellations l Information Technology –Completed Future Chips Constellation –Tetherless World, Multiscale Computing, Kodosky Constellations –CIE l Nanotechnology –Renewed NSEC, New Nanofab l Energy –CAT, Fuel Cells, Solid State Lighting –CPES l Homeland Security l Arts & Technology Interface –EMPAC
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation4 Some Recent Research Wins l $20 M Future Energy Systems (Sponsors: NYSTAR and Industry, PI: Nalamasu) l $3.2 M IGERT grant from NSF for Fuel cells (PI : Michael Jensen) l $2.1 M grant from NIH to develop virtual patient models for calculating optimal dosage for imaging and cancer (PI: X. George Xu) l $1.15 M NSF NIRT (Nanoscale Interdisciplinary Research Team) award for the growth of 3D nanostructures (PI : Toh Ming Lu) l $1.2 M grant from DARPA for designing and building intelligent machines that can read, comprehend and answer queries (PI: Selmer Bringsjord) l $1.0 M grant from DOE for novel fuel cell membranes (PI: Brian Benicewicz) l Over $3 M dollars in Terahertz Technology (X.-C. Zhang) l $ 1.0 M NIH center planning grant for Cheminformatics (PI: Curt Breneman)
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation5 Rensselaer Plan : Growth in Research Research Expenditures
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation6 Research Awards – FY05
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation7 Expenditures by Sponsor Type Millions
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation8 Expenditures by School: FY01 - FY05
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation9 Millions $$ Profile of Research Awards – FY05
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation10 Distribution of Faculty Awards Number of faculty with large awards is growing
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation11 Distribution of Research Expenditures Distribution of Research Expenditures
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation12 Research Expenditures from New Faculty since FY00 Total Research Expenditure from ALL New faculty to FY ($K) Total number of new faculty since FY 2000 New faculty accounted for 18% of research expenditures in FY 2005
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation13 Challenges for Continued Research Growth External l l Federal R&D dollars are flat or declining (adjusting for inflation) l l Competition for R&D dollars is getting more fierce l l R&D dollars for basic research decline l l Decline in foreign graduate students l l Changing national demographics l l Our peer and aspirant institutions continue to invest to grow their research at a healthy rate l l Rapidly changing global economic and R&D landscapeInternal l l Constellations l l New Faculty hires l l Research-active faculty l l Research professors to faculty ratio
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation14 Office of Research: Performance Plan Goals l Create Research Strategies and Vision l Develop and Grow Sponsored Research l Enhance Research Visibility l Provide Support for Research Enterprise
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation15 Proposal preparation: Technical writers; Graphics Mentoring Internal review of proposals prior to submittal Arranging federal agency contacts and briefings; provide faculty travel support Expanded cost sharing policy Exploratory seed grant funding program Research Development Committee Office of Research: Principal Activities
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation16 Office of Research Weekly Bulletin Office of Research Special Bulletins (Federal budget, State budget, Policy issues) Office of Research Newsletter; Annual Report; Funding advisories Office of Research workshops Coordinate internal review of limited submittals Establish linkages to federal funding agencies Office of Research: Principal Activities
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation17 Strategies for Aggressive Research Growth l Exploit unique world class research infrastructure (EMPAC, Biotechnology) l Lead new and innovative interfaces (Arts/technology, Medicine/Engineering, Energy and Architecture) l Develop new ideas and lead novel growth platforms –Public/private enterprises –NY State Stem cell initiative –Master research sponsorship agreements with Industry l Partnerships l Hiring of Constellation Faculty
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation18 Goals for the Next 2-3 Years l Create partnerships –Global, National and Local –National Labs, Academia, Industry, and Foundations –Partnership with Medical/Biotech Institutions is a Priority l Create Institution Defining Research Centers that integrate research, technology, policy and innovation –ERC or STC or MRSEC (Energy Science, Innovation and Policy Institute; Center for Homeland Security Technologies) l Build centers that can create a “Brand Name” for Rensselaer in Biotechnology l Lead the new frontier at the interface of Arts & Technology with EMPAC l Innovate new models of partnership with industry and federal agencies to address the innovation gap –Virtual Nanotechnology Center –Master IP Agreements –Open Collaboration Principles for Software IP
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation19 Executive Summary l Continued focus on world class research and growth l Focus on areas of highest priority to accomplish research goals l Renewed emphasis on new paradigms to continue momentum and growth
Feb. 22, 2006Faculty Senate Presentation20 Q&A Q&A