Beat and Tempo Time Signatures
Beat Beat is a unit of measurement. The beat is related to the pulse/feel of the music, which is related to the time signature of the music Beat is a unit of measurement. The beat is related to the pulse/feel of the music, which is related to the time signature of the music
Tempo Tempo The speed that a piece of music is performed. This can be represented using a ratio of beats/minute Tempo The speed that a piece of music is performed. This can be represented using a ratio of beats/minute
Time Signature Time Signature A time signature is what tells us how many beats will be in a single bar of music. The most common time signature is 4/4 Time Signature A time signature is what tells us how many beats will be in a single bar of music. The most common time signature is 4/4 Each number in the time signature gives us a different piece of information as to how we need to play the music. Each number in the time signature gives us a different piece of information as to how we need to play the music.
What the Numbers mean? The Top number tells us how many beats are in each bar of the music The Top number tells us how many beats are in each bar of the music The Bottom number tells us what note gets the beat. This means that each beat of the music will be equal to the value of a certain note. In the example of 4/4 the quarter note gets the beat, which means that each beat must add up to the value of a quarter note. The Bottom number tells us what note gets the beat. This means that each beat of the music will be equal to the value of a certain note. In the example of 4/4 the quarter note gets the beat, which means that each beat must add up to the value of a quarter note.
What does the Number mean? Each note value is associated with a certain number: Each note value is associated with a certain number: Whole Note 1 Whole Note 1 Half Note 2 Half Note 2 Quarter Note 4 Quarter Note 4 Eighth Note 8 Eighth Note 8 Sixteenth Note 16 Sixteenth Note 16