Econ 355; Instructor: Nisha Malhotra Slide 1-1 Instructor: Nisha Malhotra Office: Buchanan Tower 1005, Office Hours: Wednesday Teaching Assistant: TA: Ning Huang Office: Buchanan Tower 1099E Monday and Wednesday; 11:00am - 2:00pm Econ 355: International Trade
Econ 355; Instructor: Nisha Malhotra Slide 1-2 This course is not suited for you: If you are interested in learning more about Globalization Econ 255: Understanding Globalization. If you are interested in International finance ECON 356: International Finance. Econ 355: International Economics
Econ 355; Instructor: Nisha Malhotra Slide 1-3 Required Textbook: 1. International Economics Theory and Policy, Krugman and Obstfeld, Custom edition for the University of British Columbia, Pearson custom publishing 2. The Global Economy: Country Level Analysis and Case Studies (UBC Course Material put together by Nisha Malhotra) Pearson custom publishing (this is available at Discount Textbooks – above McDonalds at UBC village on University Boulevard.) store's contact (604) The above two books come as a package for this course: Package ISBN: The syllabus /Additional Readings: I may announce additional readings during the course -available on my web page under “Courses”. Econ 355: International Economics
Econ 355; Instructor: Nisha Malhotra Slide 1-4 Grading Scheme: There will be 3 assignments, one group assignment, one midterm examination and a final examination. Assignments submitted late will automatically receive a mark of zero, no exceptions. The final examination will be cumulative. The 3 assignments - 15% The Midterm Examination - 35% The Final Examination - 50%
Econ 355; Instructor: Nisha Malhotra Slide Introduction to the class - (Ref: chapter 1) 2. Ricardian Model - (Ref: chapter 2) 3. Speicific Factor Modell (Ref: chapter 3) 4. Hecksher-Ohlin Model (Ref: chapter 4) 5. Basic Trade Instruments (Ref: chapter 8) 6. Political Economy of trade policy and International Institutions (Ref: Chapter 9) 7. Trade Remedy Measures – Trade Remedy Measures and Softwood Lumber Agreement 8. Antidumping & CVD 9. Case Study: Softwood Lumber Dispute -Ministry of Forest ) 10. Lecture Trade Policy in Developing Countries 14 (Ref:chapter 10) 11. Economies of Scale (Ref: chapter 6, including the appendix) 12. Lecture – Viewing a film - “Commanding Heights”: focus on financial crisis and its spread (finish the film 23rd Nov.) Econ 355: International Economics
Econ 355; Instructor: Nisha Malhotra Slide 1-6 Econ 355: International Economics Choices between the following Topics: You would choose one of the topics International Finance Strategic Trade Policy Empirical Trade Immigration and Trade FDI and Trade
Econ 355; Instructor: Nisha Malhotra Slide 1-7 Prerequisite for the course Basic Principles of Microeconomics Example: Demand – Demand curve Supply – Supply curve –Equilibrium Price and Quantity –Consumer Surplus and Producer Surplus Production –Production Possibility Frontier –Diminishing marginal returns to labor Taxes and Subsidies Good Micro book to brush up your economics N. Gregory Mankiw: Principles of Economics (any edition, 2nd is what I have)
Econ 355; Instructor: Nisha Malhotra Slide 1-8 Are you right for this course? You should have a good knowledge of Microeconomics (Basic Principles). You are apt at working with economic models – (mainly graphs ) You would be required to go through the WTO site and new reports on the web You would also need to read recent journal articles.
Econ 355; Instructor: Nisha Malhotra Slide 1-9 Personal Test 1. What is Diminishing returns to Factor? 2. What is Increasing returns to scale? 3. In the figure shown here, at the market-clearing equilibrium, total producers surplus is represented by the area 1.A. 2.A + B + C. 3.D + E + F. 4.A + B + C + D + E + F.