Status of SICB and Monte Carlo productions Eric van Herwijnen Friday, 2 march 2001
Overview SICb status and versions Monte Carlo productions, past (since last LHCb week), current and future
Status Muon TDR Sicbmc v240r1, Al beampipe and Al-Be beampipe
Status Trigger TDR Sicbdst v233r1
Higgs Sicbmc v233r2, sicbdst v235r3 dbase v229r2 20k requested, 14k done
Liverpool Nothing since last LHCb week, some feedback from users
Lyon Preparation for bb-bar inclusive production, no cuts automated submission and transfer installed insufficient time to create 500 RAWH mbias, bb- bar inclusive and DST2 events run separate jobs (bookkeeping) or smaller samples? use the same model at RAL with globusrun
RAL NT farm R.I.P On RAL Linux: bb-bar inclusive production, no cuts
CERN completion of Trigger TDR Physics channels Erica Polycarpo B -> mu + X; Bbar -> mu + X