University of British Columbia Department of Computer Science Tamara Munzner Interactive Visualization of Evolutionary Trees and Gene Sequences February 2, 2006 UBC CS Discovery Forum
2 Computer Graphics n create or manipulate images with computer n movies, games, photorealistic simulation
3 Computer Graphics n create or manipulate images with computer n movies, games, photorealistic simulation n but wait, there’s more!
4 Visualization n using interactive computer graphics to help people understand information better n biological data: evolutionary trees and gene sequences
5 Evolutionary Tree M Meegaskumbura et al., Science 298:379 (2002)
6 Common Dataset Size Today M Meegaskumbura et al., Science 298:379 (2002)
7 Future Goal: 10M Node Tree of Life David Hillis, Science 300:1687 (2003) Plants Protists Fungi Animals
8 Future Goal: 10M Node Tree of Life David Hillis, Science 300:1687 (2003) Plants Protists Fungi Animals You are here
9 Paper Comparison: Multiple Trees focus context
10 TreeJuxtaposer n side by side comparison of evolutionary trees n both focus and context with stretchable surface n demo - downloadable from
11 Reconstructing Trees from Genes n know leaves, infer interior nodes n similarity: parallel evolution or common ancestor? n old: morphology n observable similarities n new: molecular n DNA sequences - nucleotides n protein sequences - amino acids [] [] horse:...CCTGAACCG... tapir:...ACTCTACCG... rhino:...GCTCTACCG...
12 SequenceJuxtaposer n comparison of aligned gene sequences n focus and context with stretchable surface n demo - downloadable from
13 CS: Collaboration with Many Fields n computational linguistics
14 CS: Collaboration with Many Fields n mathematics: topology and geometry
15 CS: Collaboration with Many Fields n software for web site designers n now also useful for biologists! n downloadable from
16 More Information n