Gene Regulation
Levels of Regulation DNA rearrangement –Immune System rearranges DNA Bacteria can change DNA in chromosomes Not as common as other methods
Transcriptional Regulation Regulate RNA polymerase starting transcription Splicing choices can regulate gene expression MRNA stability – How fast MRNA degrades, can protect it with regulator
Translational Regulation Wrap up RNA so it cant get to Ribosome –Microrna – 21 base pair sequences interfere with translation of MRNA
Post-Translational Regulation Activate with enzyme Mitochondria
Most Important Transcriptional Regulation is most important 80% of red blood cells is alpha or betaglobin Describe Lac Operon in E Coli
E Coli Bacteria would like glucose to grow on –Glucose ->ATP->Energy –Lactose if it cant find glucose Uses beta-galactosidase to break down Lactose into glucose In the presence of Lactose, 10% of proteins will be Beta-gal Cant keep that level in absence of beta-gal or selection would favor more efficient system –lactose permease allows Lactose to enter cell
Lac Operon Promoter P Lac LacZ B-gal LacY Permease LacA LacI Promoter PIPI Lac Repressor
Cell Function