Simulating population genetics review of very basic genetics review of very basic genetics genes genes alleles alleles chromosomes chromosomes
Why study this? Agriculture Agriculture Understanding relationship between species Understanding relationship between species Understanding propagation of genetic diseases Understanding propagation of genetic diseases Understanding history of evolution, human migration, human diversity Understanding history of evolution, human migration, human diversity
Approaches, pros and cons Field experiment Field experiment Mathematical model Mathematical model Simulation Simulation
Simplest model A little history, Mendelian laws A little history, Mendelian laws Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium A little probability/statistics A little probability/statistics Wahlund effect in segregated population Wahlund effect in segregated population Example: Da Cunha’s data on Drosopila polymorpha; abdomen color [Smi89] Example: Da Cunha’s data on Drosopila polymorpha; abdomen color [Smi89] Assignment 1: goal, limitations of theoretical model Assignment 1: goal, limitations of theoretical model
Gregor Mendel ( )
Steven Berg, Winona State
Hope Holloche, U. Chicago